Tucker only pushed back when Gaetz continually tried to bring him into the narrative. Tucker could not have puckered up his dumb face more with each mention.
Tucker only pushed back when Gaetz continually tried to bring him into the narrative. Tucker could not have puckered up his dumb face more with each mention.
and selfish
People will use any excuse to back their belief that has no basis in fact.
Crazier still is that her look seems to be the epitome of beauty currently.
Yikes, and I thought I had it bad. Seems like he had to put a lot of effort into buying that twine and tying the books in such a twee manner.
Same. I refused to pick up his dirty clothes. How hard is it to move your clothes half a foot and into a hamper? I knew where he had been by the trail of dirty socks. So eventually he piled them up in an unused room. When his mom came to visit, he threw them into the closet and under the bed, like a teenager.
Mine digs holes to hide his bones.
No. Because once he got out of work, everything was already moved to our new place. Despite him. Because of me. So to him, no harm no foul. But I was furious.
Yes! I was so angry. I wanted to kill him. I do wonder what would have happened if I didn’t get out of work early that day and he’d have to face the repercussions of his actions. I think he would have just put masking tape all over the tops.
Mine scheduled a move during my hardest and busiest work period (as in only home to take a shower and collapse into bed) and when I protested the timing he said he would pack everything. He conveniently was tied up at work when the movers arrived. I found he only packed half the apartment and also folded all the tops…
I feel this woman to the depth of my bones.
Could not star more!
I’m so sorry for you
I see what you did with “low hanging fruit” ;)
Starring just for “Grandma Saggy Ears”
I thank the goddess that he was banned from twitter.
It’s the attempt to appeal to evangelicals and win back the suburbs with pearl clutching fear mongering based on disinformation.
Just looked into this and I guess he was legitimately ABO certified until 2005 which he allowed to lapse and now is only NBO “certified” - NBO is the board he created to protest the ABO in true “libertarian” fashion. NBO no longer exists as of 2011.