Spartan Wolfwood

All science fields are full of jokes like that. Look at connectors. They are referred to as Male and Female.

Lol, I had the exact same thought. Great show. Though $5K each?! What tech could possibly be in them to make them cost that?

Apart from traditional coal and fossil fuels, Nuclear energy is clean, efficient, but the waste is a problem. Work in Solar has skyrocketed, as well as wind. I think California is using something like 50% alternative energy? Add to that potential technology like fusion and thorium reactors, and we can see removal of

As someone who is trying to make a game: You are WAY off base. You know how long these things take? Even a simple one can overtake your life for years, and I’m just a hobbyist with no intention of releasing. Creating that art and story, is it really any different than a book? If you just read the Dresden Files on a

They talk about that above. It’s basically a “translation error”

... I don’t think so. It is a person with leprosy (Leper the host, leprosy the contagion). Though, in looking up definitions: “Some consider the word leper offensive, preferring the phrase “persons affected with leprosy”.

It could be a filter for creativity, imagination and the desire to create. Much of our history is riddled with “keeping the norm”. Who’s to say that isn’t true for many species. We don’t see any animals beyond humans capable of high complexity tasks. Does instinct and survival win out to creativity? Could the

I need to find one of these just for the collector in me.

Was really hoping for a fix to “Old Guns”. Can’t complete the mission because the guy will not sit down at the radio.

Seriously people. Yes the K stands for Keyboard, but it’s well understood that it means “Keyboard or controller”. Most people on console do say AFK because it’s a well established term that means “Not here”.

If a game company is looking for less than a couple hundred thousand and looking for backers, look into what other sources of income they have. I don’t think a lot of kick-starters have industry experience to realize how much blasted money creating a game costs. In industry, it’s staggering how much money a month of

Now playing

Certain areas are not problematic for short term observation. You would not want to live there. The hospital where the firefighters were kept is still so radioactive that a lethal dose can be received in a short period of time.

Agreed. I instantly think this is a much needed step in the right direction. There was actual confusion and concern in that line.

It is sad, but it’s part of a company’s ability to keep secrets. It’s become standard in pretty much every company, regardless of industry.

I like statues just because when I try to pose figures i can never get anything that looks natural, or they just fall over.

Company should press charges against him. I’m sure they could get him on trespassing at a min. Possibly damages.

I’d agree with that. The bounty was hands down the most frustrating and most fun. I did it twice just for the sake of that feeling of gratification. And so both my hunter and titan could have thorn....

I think nerds who hate the big bang theory are just upset that nerd is cool now and it wasn’t when we were younger. I’d rather have a show that glorifies intellect than 90210 any day. Doesn’t help that each person in that group reminds me of at least one of my friends. Is there a term for Hipster nerd? Big bang Theory

Then why did you read the article?

Am I the only one who thinks he kinda looks like Nevil Longbottom?