
The part of Brian sleeping with a fifteen year old wasn't funny. Just uncomfortable

The part of Brian sleeping with a fifteen year old wasn't funny. Just uncomfortable

I want to see Kenny die in this episode

I want to see Kenny die in this episode

I kinda wanted to see Bender join the gang, and when the Robot Mafia came after him, there would be a gang war.

I kinda wanted to see Bender join the gang, and when the Robot Mafia came after him, there would be a gang war.

I just love when Bender goes on a crime spree

I just love when Bender goes on a crime spree

I am Jewish and I find Mort hilarious

this one was terrible

I loved the episode, but I hated the ending. It is just not like Cartman.

I didn't like it

I really like this episodes

It wasn't the best episode, but it wasn't that bad

I liked it

I disagree. I liked it