
LOL - you win this entire argument! The bomb with the off switch will forever be the Sherlock-has-jumped-the-shark moment.

Why don't you just stick to BBC Sherlock, then, if that's what floats your boat? Even though I think you're completely wrong - the BBC series is patently making a joke out of any homoeroticism trope. They're having all the fans on - it's a JOKE. It's going to be Johnlockus interruptus - mark my words.

Bravo - you hit it on the head.

Lol - what are you talking about? Are you so subsumed in badly written fanfiction that you think Sherlock Holmes has to be about homoerotic subtext? Seriously?

But Sherlock Holmes is NOT a "high-functioning sociopath." That's some character in the BBC "Sherlock" series - who bears very little resemblance to the canonical Sherlock Holmes. The canon Holmes is a gentleman and has a streak of kindness a mile wide, a glorious sense of humor and a devotion to justice. None of

I wish Ritchie had kept that scene, just saying! If one is looking for a homoerotic Holmes, the Ritchie movies do it 1,000,000 times better than the BBC series. Word.

Ah, fangirl - you have uncloaked! Yes, the main argument of the BBC fansqees is that Elementary somehow "subverts" the "homoerotic" subtext of the two males out gallivanting and solving crimes. Because - oh horrors - in Elementary, Watson is a woman! Face it - you're just into slash (for the uninitiated, that's

Yeah, right - the typical reply of BBC Sherlock fangirls is to throw shade at "American criminal procedurals." Go move to England, sweetie, and study up on your Conan Doyle. He invented your hated "procedural."

Ugh, though - the BBC series is neither visually stunning nor multi-layered, let alone intelligent. And it hardly has much of anything to do with Sherlock Holmes any more (take it from one who's been a Holmes fan for more than 30 years and belongs to two BSI scion societies - I'm quite serious about Holmes). And I

The Robert Downey Jr. movies are better and more enjoyable than BOTH TV shows - just saying - because they are honest action-adventures and unapologetically so, and they're done with a good deal of respect for the canon. Of the two TV shows, I vastly prefer Elementary to Sherlock. Sherlock has become a comic, raving

But you're wrong! So wrong. I love Downey's Sherlock. So nope, we don't "all agree."

Wow, well-argued. And true! Now I feel the need to watch me some Downey Sherlock Holmes tonight - I want to see all this subversion!