Why am I posting this?
Why am I posting this?
I didn’t think that the last two “seasons 10 and 11" were meant as a reboot. I figured that they were 2 more seasons that continued to show why 1 through 5 were great and 6 to 9 went downhill (with great shows still appearing in the seasons, though!)
I’ve figured out why actors love to appear in Wes Anderson’s movies: all they have to do is stand around wearing literally one costume the entire shoot, and it’s easy work because they don’t have to express any emotion, merely recite the dialogue in the most clipped, robotic fashion possible.
I unironically love him. Partly because of that exact reason. Say what you will about the man he always COMMITS to whatever he’s doing.
Also, it’s Nic not Nick
I absolutely would watch the shit out of this.
Kubrick’s films are more varied.
I’ll do you one better - Why is Bill?
It’s freakin’ paint by numbers at this point.
Looks pretty Wes Andersony
Ah, yes. The old “it’s not in my neighborhood and I stay in after a certain hour so it’s not my problem” attitude.
In 2019 I was with my family at JFK airport coming back to Seattle. My son is a type 1 diabetic. It was the first time since his diagnosis at 7 years old that we had flown. I was scared of an emergency and I had brought quite a bit of juice with us in the event of a low blood sugar while in flight all the juices were…
Bc The Root and (Jez as well too a far greater degree) needs a strong independent lady (supposedly) curbing famous men in while her prime ever since Beyonce’ stuck around with Jay Z multiple cheatings to prove the strong, single woman narrative.
I am feeling anxiety by Glen Powell’s lack of undershirt. undershirts are the real sexiness
This is no Scandoval. No body cares. Not even Olivia Wilde.
I say this with nothing but sincere respect, Kanye: Get help. Get back on your meds and please get some therapy.
Isn’t he like, 60? Greg’s just a baby. A giant awkward freak baby.
“Normally I would never blame Queen Bey for anything”
The husband wasnt much better. Apparently he was a boy toy she hooked up with when her looks were going and she started to realize it. He was a B actor who had done a Tarzan show so apparently he looked good with his shirt off. He then tried doing a country music thing but it didn’t go anywhere.