
Many games in the past have embraced this aspect. There was an interview ages ago with the infamous (I think he is awesome) Peter Molyneux back when he was designing Black & White while at Lionhead Studios. He was all about the minimal UI to the point that they created the gesture recognition system to use

As both a parent and an educator, I think I am seeing this game in a different light than most here. I think many are seeing this as a competitor to something like Roblox or Mario Maker.

Indigenous protagonists in games: Turok The Dinosaur Hunter (N64), The original Prey game (360?)...they exist. Are they common? Nope.

Sure, my first and only tattoo I got was 11 years ago on my 30th birthday. It was a mashup I created (from other people’s epic artwork) of The Incredible Hulk holding a 1up mushroom. The artist I went to was fantastic and did a stellar job.

This is not a design flaw. When you press a button on your Xbox controller while playing a Stadia game, it sends that data to the browser running your game and then on to the server, then the processing on their end begins.

Is no one going to comment on the amount of RAM this thing was consuming? It was averaging 3400 MB (~3.4GB)? The N64 sported a whopping 4MB on release, 8MB later with an expansion. But that is about 850x more memory used.

I will get the usual internet hate here because I am not coddling your gentle souls, but that is fine. Go ahead, dig through my past comments as is normal for people looking for fuel.

There are so many variables contributing to why crunch exists. As a former game developer, I was there, in the trenches and experiencing it. I get it, it sucks. In no way am I justifying it, I am simply trying to bring things into perspective from a few lenses.

This has actually been my Switch’s console name since I first got it.  “Snitches get Switches”  It took over from my “Bruce Wii”

There is a big difference between asking for help when you have attempted to be successful on your own and asking for help when you don’t have the quick answer.

See, I see this character and all I can think of is David Bowie singing “Power of the babe” from Labyrinth.

I actually shed a tear in laughter after reading this...

Amazing picture. My wife and I just got home from a 10th anniversary European vacation and this was one of our favourite stops. We named our now 3 year old daughter after Athena. On a plus, it was a great place to find awesome momentos in her namesake. Tough to do up here in Canada.

Yeah...and the elected officials in North America (in which I live) have done/will do something useful? I must have missed that decade, because it sure has been a while.

We vote for the lesser of two evils when we cast our ballot and you know it. You may say, “well at least we get a vote”. My response to that is, what

Agreed on all points, well said sir

Although I agree with you, I suppose the biggest “indie” counter example would be No Man’s Sky. Arguably the largest scaled game in history, and potentially the future as well.