
The child was also white. White children > cops, in the institutional hierarchy.

People at r/the_d are trying to co-opt this and literally (LITERALLY) connect it to ‘pizzagate,’ which they still believe to be a true thing.

He doesn’t know anything about dogs either.

I just had my gallbladder removed a couple weeks ago after living with the pain for 4 years. Never went on any pain killers stronger than advil during that time. Anyway, they gave percocet after the surgery. I only took it for about a day and a half after the surgery before switching back to ibuprofen for about a

I spent $500+ on a cell phone and $400+ on an iPad and bought screen protectors for them too.

Some swords and weak cosmetic gear aren’t “significant amounts of content.” Laughable idea.

The NPCs on the road keep track of whether you’ve saved them from enemies before as well. They’ll reference how you’ve saved them previously etc if you save them a second time.

I think it’s supposed to happen at set intervals and is just currently bugged. The fact that this is getting some media attention now (I’ve been having problems with it since the second day played, like three blood moons happening in an in game day etc, in the middle of the day), maybe they’ll patch it.

Yeah, I must have missed where in real life Casey Affleck’s children were killed in a house fire caused by his own mistake, leading to attempted suicide and rejection by nearly everyone he ever knew except said brother, who is now dead. Definitely sounds like lived experiences for Casey Affleck. 

By having better acting performances (in Assassination of Jesse James, MBTS, and Gone Baby Gone) than Ben has ever even come close to having? Not being able to stomach a person for what they have done off-screen doesn’t actually take away their talent, no different than Polanski being a rapist doesn’t take away his

HBO was doing two episodes a week. It started in January on HBO. Had already aired completely overseas before the HBO debut.

Awesome compared to what you have. Probably awesome compared to the previous PM to many. Not awesome by objective standards.

If the woman is the host, then the embryo -> fetus is a parasite. And there is only one thing to do with parasites.

Are you Ellie?

Saying someone had a “ruined life” is not automatically a comment of sympathy.

It’s also something done widely by white people. Growing up in a rural area that was 99.9% white (the other .1% being like, the occasional First Nations person or Asian immigrant business owner), the ditches and roads are covered in litter. It’s a widespread cultural thing for anyone not raised to care about

The character is American. And yeah, actors tend to pretend to be other people.

Yeah, keep defending the centre-right corporatists. You Democrats are an absolute scourge on progress in this country, and a key reason why I am never going to waste a grand on saddling myself with an American citizenship. Fucking Americans can’t even get leftism right.

You don’t actually sound like you’ve seen the movie.

I know several middle aged smokers who have used it to quit, and have now been off smoking completely for years using vaping as the middle step. They slowly decreased their nicotine amounts over time, until they were vaping zero nicotine liquids, and then finally not vaping at all. Nothing else worked.