sparky polastri

her dad (and sorta boss) basically said he would fuck her if he wasn’t her dad and she still stumps for him, but I guess we’re supposed to forget that or classify it as not-harrassment

you come at the queen, you best not miss

thin, greasy hair haver here. sulfate free has helped me, but only a teeny bit. I still have to wash every day. I tried to do the “train your hair to be less greasy” deal using baking soda or whatever. I lasted one week, had to wear a huge headband to cover my head, and people at work asked me if i dyed my hair

I am so jealous. I have to wash mine every day or it looks literally shellacked to my head with grease.

Yes, all of these things. Apparently Jackie requested that she not contact anyone involved because she was still traumatized, which, although perhaps a reasonable reaction for a real victim, should also be a reason for a journalist to find another story. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the point of journalism to vet all

aside from this is just being a bonkers theory in general, I highly doubt a fetus would have survived Sansa’s 15 foot jump from the wall of Winterfell

Just the scene of him going to his happy place and dancing in the woods and then falling down the cliff for a full 2 minutes is the greatest. And when they’re walking to the final jump and the whole town starts following them and then starts to riot. And of course, BABE WAIT BABE NO!!! There are honestly just so many

Who invited Steve? That dude’s a cunt

I first discovered lonely island on (remember that website!? mannnn i’m old). The first video I watched was Nintendo Cartoon Hour and it still kills me every damn time. The two 30 minute “Lonely Island” episodes they did are also incredible...Regarding Ardy and White Power. My friends watched

nah, they’re after planned parenthood here too. PP just opened a new clinic in Louisville that was all cleared to perform abortions according to the outgoing Democratic governor’s administration. Bevin shows up and boom, now they’re not licensed.

the one bright spot in all this is the twitter hashtag #askbevinaboutmyvag. hilarious/sad