
Bullshit, Anthropologie! Pay the woman what you owe!

Fuck, now Roy Moore is going to run for Senator of Montana, too.

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

There are a lot of other potential reasons why this particular case being made into a film would cause discomfort, or inspire criticism. Why you jumped to that it was perpetrated by several women as the source of objection is bizzare.

You reek of insecurity, loneliness, and possible under employment.

Good grief, yet another male who seems to have been quickly ungreyed. It’s almost like Jez is purposely throwing man-trolls at us.

Seeing as your entire view of me seems to be a projection on your part, the issue is yours.

Nope, not at all, no problems with portrayals of female murderers, and SURPRISE I don’t think men should be beaten or butchered either.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

One year at Thanksgiving I was watching TV with my sister and her then-girlfriend. I stopped on Forrest Gump and made some dismissive comment. My sister asked me why. I derisively said, “Ugh, it’s self-congratulatory Boomer nostalgia porn.”

Every time I read an article from some Boomer complaining about how my generation is self-involved and narcissistic I want to remind them that entertainment pandering to and venerating Boomers is now entering it’s sixth decade.

TSR is a great film, but the Bechdel test is not meaningless, nor does something have to be gendered to be meaningful. It's meaningful for the big picture, i.e., a handful of movies pass the test among hundreds of movies, because women are sidelined in film.

also a woman, and TSR is my favorite movie ever. No, it doesn't pass the Bechdel test (it is set in a men's prison, after all), but it's such a humane and human film. The scene where Andy plays Sull'Aria for the inmates makes me cry, it's so amazing.