
Every dude in this post (except Drew) is that tedious asshole in your undergrad polisci seminar who won’t shut up about how they *get* politics and you don’t.

I’m actually kind of sick of getting told that there is no enthusiasm for Hillary. Like you, I supported Sanders in the primary, but you know what? Hillary is a fine candidate and I am proud to cast a vote for the first female President. Do I agree with her on everything? Fuck no! But since we aren’t allowed to

I wish it was a surprise that all the female staff are upfront about voting for Hillary while a lot of the (mostly white) male staff either aren’t voting for either candidate because they’re not in a contested state or have to “hold their nose” to vote for her.

I will say, in regards to a parliamentary system (which is something I myself wanted for quite a while), to think on this one thing.

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”

Big Bang Theory Think Piece: Is saying science terminology over a laugh track convincing dumb Americans that they are actually smart?

This is your best take by far.

I met Joe Walsh in a Colonial cafe outside of Elgin Community College during my lunch break some years back. I thought I recognized him and asked, “are you Joe Walsh?”

Also, real suggestions:

I actually met Jonah Peretti once at some tech thing. He asked me if I was waiting in line and I said no and he said thanks.

This feels like one of those fake actress photos with a girl bending over a couch, only made specifically for Drew Magary.

Not to dredge up bad feels but when I wrote something that got published to Gawker the site only lived for about a week after my post. Now, Deadspin put something I wrote on its hallowed blog page and I’m just afraid I’ll lose you too. Before posting, did you consider that I might be the blog version of the angel of

Other mermaids.

Sad pasta

It has not.

Follow up: why do you mispronounce coupon?

If wombats can poop cubes, why can’t people? More specifically, why can’t I?

They removed Psych. Netflix is dead to me. This is worse than hearing about Pluto.

The epigraph of Anna Karenina seems apropos here