
“Act like you’ve been there before”

Oh, but when I pour a drink all over a server I get fired from my job. Fucking IT department is no fun.

Prometheus school of running away from things.

They look a lot friendlier now that they’ve fed.

I think Rickon Stark takes running lessons from Noomi Rapace.

I guess Rapist Sasquatch is an early favorite for Worst Mascot in the next Deadspin Awards.

Nothing exciting for me :(

I swear, the biggest frustration about speaking with Star Trek fans is their constant and mendacious insistence that Paramount actually wants to avoid making money on a property that is one of their most reliable and enduring sources of income. It’s the worst kind of entitled whining—”They aren’t making something that

I guess I am not a Trek fan but 2009 Star Trek was best since Khan.

Thank god that “THAT GUY” didn’t take Friday off.

That makes no sense.

Goddamn, for the supposed best team of all time, I have watched the Warriors get the shit kicked out of them a lot in the past month.

That’s just ridiculous, the game was clearly rigged to get Craig Sager some more much deserved camera time.

Look Ayesha, we’re all agreed that Valencia not being sent off after that obvious foul was bullshit, but c’mon. Ecuador just couldn’t get that second goal.

I went to the same school as Bryant “Big Country” Reeves and the school was a pontoon boat and what we learned was that you have to keep Big Country wet or he’ll die. It was incredible to be a part of that.

I dunno, I think green and gold are more of a spring look

I mean, where else would he learn to swap first and last names.

Asian living in America here: I personally *do* like having non-Asian allies talk about the lack of representation of Asians in well, everything, since you fuckers in the majority seem to ignore our opinions and existence anyway. So please, non-Asian person, just sit the fuck down. You don’t speak for all of us.

This is beautiful. Thanks Billy.

The all-caps are a nice touch from Iceland’s very own Drew Magarysson