
Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in

According to FiveThirtyEight intern Kyle Wagner

I see what you did there...

They’re already in the process of filming it. I know we’ve been waiting for this thing to actually be a done deal for years, as you say, but it’s happening, man. Look toward the sun, see how it finally shines for we book nerds.

In what universe does it make sense that a marginal TV actress, who's never had a big role in a motion picture and whose best role was ten years ago, lead a massive blockbuster film franchise? Enough with the Katee Sackhoff.

As Drawn Buggy Hits Teens, Man Gives Their Horse “Rumspringa”, He Yells Yuengling, Goes to Amish-Prison.

But there’s nothing savant-like about this. He spotted a pattern, something our brains are so hardwired for that they generate huge numbers of false positives. He doesn’t have proof, he has a theory with circumstantial evidence. Yes, his theory should be verified - but it’s not hard to understand why experts may see

The scientific method is that the kid (or someone else) needs to prove this claim, not the other way around. Science doesn’t need to take his claim at face value. You can certainly choose to believe him; just know that it’s unsubstantiated presently.

This is a real stupid take for so many reasons.

Because, god-forbid scientists push back against the theoretically unsound claims of an ambitious high school student.

Galileos are rare. Super-rare. That’s why we use a 16th century astronomer as our benchmark for a misunderstood pioneer in his time. Most science is boring, incremental, and highly collaborative. I’m not saying there aren’t other examples, but keep in mind, that’s selection bias at work. They’re the ones we hear about

I’m in my 30's and remember playing a Call of Duty game with my nephew and niece ages 11 and 9 at the time. They lit me the fuck up and that’s when I knew I was officially old. Little bastards.

Oh yeah, that’s some good Kinja right there. I’m gonna need another hit of that shit.

Does Stephen Amell do the salmon ladder at any point during the film? Because if not, he was criminally misused.

Someone needs to make a movie about the Draenei Shaman named "Kaplah", his two best friends "Laando" and "NyJets", and NyJet's pet T-Rex that aggros everything. There's a lot of lore to support these characters, I'm told.

I’m so super bummed that we won’t get to see a female Tauren and a female Undead* riding around in a goblin motorcycle/side-car hybrid doing buddy cop hi-jinks. THAT is the Warcraft movie I want to see.

“All schools let their athletes go after women, so why go after this school?” Is that seriously something that was just said?

Just seeing “Creed” in the headline made me sing “can you take me higher.”

BREAKING: Stapp infection outbreak in Washington locker room.