
My SUPER Italian grandfather used to always yell at me for not calling sauce “gravy.” I got the last laugh, though—he had a heart attack and died in his sleep.

This is bullshit. No one was getting on Brett Favre’s case when he was a KGB supporter while in Green Bay.

Patton’s response is all I needed to see.

You’re a fucking national treasure, my friend.

How will horse handle such news? Horse will read, will chew, will stand, will cry huge horse tears into hay covered ground. So sad. Once in lifetime horse. Standing somewhere. Being in a sad way. Chewing oats maybe. Awful. And even after online poll? Sad for horse. Sad for today. Sad America.

I’m in lesbians with this celebration.

Reading Hogfather at the age of 13 and then progressing with a science education up to degree level made me realise that practically all of education is ‘lies to children’, and frankly, lies to adults.

The man will be missed.

I read it every December, 15 or so pages every night, so that I finish it on Christmas Eve. It’s extra emotional this year...

I wanted to like that book, I really did, but it felt like reading a Buzzfeed article titled “Things We Geeks Remember From The 80s” interspersed with a touch of Otherland’s plot.

For anyone who hasn’t read the book, it’s a pretty typical “chosen one to save the world” type deal, except with video games. The characters are pretty one-dimensional in the “I AM THE HERO”, “I AM THE LOVE INTEREST”, “I AM THE BEST FRIEND”, and “I AM THE BAD GUY, MWA HA HA” sort of way. A fun read, but a pretty

Somewhere, a ‘STICK TO SPORTS!!1!!1!’ Deadspin commenter sits in front of a computer screen, sweating, unable to move, broken.

I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?

435 combined pounds and/or one minute and thirty seven seconds.

Is she ever going to hike him the ball? Wtf is going on.

Buffalo is like Rome under Caligula but without the art, culture, economic might, military power, political intrigue, international influence, and functional government.

I am

You can tell he’s a true Bills fan because he’s so comfortable working from behind.

Keyser Soze has noted your post and will respond in due time.

After reading these comments, I also want to punch a photographer.