It’s a shit show down here where the mind control is complete and the lemmings will do whatever they’re herded toward by their media overlords while claiming (like Mango Unchained says) the media is all a big lefty machine of socialism new world order doom.
bUt meh lEEbaRte
Ok, so I think it’s time to make an assessment!
I hear you, Duck. I’ve been in my own ‘someplace similar’ in a many ways for a while now. I’m alone with my dog, and although I’m close w/them both and only 15 minutes away, I haven’t been seeing my parents basically at all since my Mom has Crohn’s and I refuse to be the reason she catches it. I’m pretty horrified and…
Salt & Vinegar is essentially always the correct answer to that question, regardless of brand.
Can you order online for pickup and they can have it all ready and waiting for you?
Whoa whoa whoa....which nice/fancy winery? I can help you with that process - I just skipped or dropped off all 5 or 6 I was on.
Awww shitfuck I replied to your OP with a list of PA breweries that’ll deliver to you and was all happy with myself for a moment and didn’t see this post....oh, well I’m happy to let you know I was trying to help.
Hey Bernd, I’m not sure this will work for you but I saw a lifehacker article the other day about relaxed laws right now allowing restaurants and breweries to deliver to your home. Being in CA, there are 50 million places here (plus I’ve always got the good stuff stashed away for the (imminent?) apocalypse - 200ish bot…
Damn, Gary that sucks about your Dad. I really hope he gets some positive momentum asap.
It’s just strange seeing somebody so old, still pretending and believing we all perceive him to be the big shot successful chosen one, just failing at everything through dysfunction and ineptitude, whose only real-life skill is steamroll-talking, then gets praiseturbated constantly by his minions and thinks he’s…
Ja, naturlich...if the arbeit machts...
This is fucking gold.
Yep, totally agree and it’s exhausting mentally/physically/emotionally all the time.
I was being a bit dramatic and venting a little. Didn’t intend to offend anybody.
Everything, apparently.
It totally sounds like something a 9 year old would name his model stealth bomber while playing with it in his treehouse.