Sparky Polastry


My issue a couple years ago (1803 maybe?) was windows suddenly started running automatic updates while also endlessly checking for updates and downloading them in Settings. It jacked CPU to 100% until I could get to services thru task mgr and manually toggle off the few running windows update services...which would

Dr. Oz is the Dr. Drew of Dr. Phils of Alex Joneses.

Wow I just posted this like 15 comments above this a moment ago. It’s a pretty straightforward visual aid.....what I mean, is it’s MAGAed down a bit for the bUt MUh LiBeRty crowd.

Michelle Obama ftw

Install it early? That’s ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy.

Practice makes perfect, fellow traveler.

It sorta looks like she morphed Catherine Zeta-Jones’ face with hers.

It sounds like the cock deserved it!

Why so aggressive?  I merely stated that as POTUS the first person to receive blame is going to be him.

If you look at the states that are hardest hit, they are all run by Democrats. As much as Trump sucks, which he does, he doesn’t deserve the blame on this.

With Amazon boxes, I’ve just been bringing them inside the front door, grabbing a disinfectant wipe and wiping down the box. Then I let it sit there for a couple days.

It was a late supper, sir.”

But is it worse than Under The Cherry Moon?

This is not sexy...this is animal.

IMO BHCIII was infinitely worse than both....

Ah...gotcha, thanks. I had unchecked the “free” box.  And you’re right - $99.