Some courses have a price listed, and some say “free.” Is there any way to find out what the “free” certificate would actually cost upon completion?
Some courses have a price listed, and some say “free.” Is there any way to find out what the “free” certificate would actually cost upon completion?
Anyone giving you a hard time for this is an arrogant ass-clown and part of the reason wine has such an intimidating, high barrier to entry for lots of people.
Lexus ISF. Reliable and awesome. 4 as hell...
This is soooooo underrated.
Mini Virage FTW
“Paging Mr Herman....Mr have a telephone call at the front...desk.”
The Huckabee gene is stronk in that so many ways...
She’s been an empty husk for years now...I think instead of organs she has her degree from Harvard. Because that’s something she likes to talk about a lot.
Stay safe, Bradley.
A year long in Drumpf Succubus time?
Get after it, pal!
What the fuck are you talking about? All that matters is people trying 100% as hard as they can to stay home and not potentially infect others.
I feel like that’s 100% the case for both Radiohead and Tool (Schism).
I’m terribly sorry for your loss.
Jesus Christ, the point is that this is very real and people are suffering and dying alone. So do humanity a favor and stay home for the time being if you can. That’s all. If there’s a 0% chance of you infecting other people if you stay home and watch netflix then consider being a good person and doing that.
I think at one point most people actually thought she was human.
I think I’m more shocked that I’m not hearing (yet) anyone up in arms about it yet. Ventilators, PPE and tests. It’s what we hear all day every day that is the top priority for saving lives.