Sparky Polastry

Yeah it’s seriously dark but only rained hard for about 10 minutes where I am.


Who the fuck is Tiffany???

At the exact moment I finished reading this, it started raucously raining. Here in SoCal, where a predicted “rain event” usually results in a mild mist that seriously underperforms expectations, I can only assume it’s the heavens pouring one out in your honor.

+1 Hey Fred, how’s the herpes??!!

Most people these days can’t even change their 15-18" wheels if they get a flat. How are massive wheels going to make this near-future, dystopian wonderland a better place?

(Enters samurai email address)

None of the recent fires in SoCal were “forest fires,” Fat Donnie. get your shit together.

“Who is Babe Ruth?”

Putting visors in the rear seems like some risky business....

Caldwell is the guy who pushed his hostage-taker off a cliff, right? I think that’s from The Dawn Wall and anyone who hasn’t seen it definitely should...

+1 stupidhead

Now these cabs will never get the musky odor out of the interior.

+1 Karlin with a K

Aston Martin is European....math checks out.


He sure has mastered the combover cul de sac, so there’s that.

This encapsulates basically everything wrong with today’s society.

Thrower sure is calling out his teammate’s error and his own heroics publicly.  Who does think he is; a quarterback?

If you’re not correct, then my name is not