Sparky Polastry

“SEE: A Viking Funeral!”

I just found out they’ve stopped the massive fire burning down homes and barreling toward my house (last year I was surrounded by 3 all within 10 miles at the same time), so the week somehow is ending on a sorta high note.

Lord have Murcielago!


You are truly one of a select few Men Of Honor.


Would you mind elaborating a little about a big military celebration?  TIA

I realize “Fox” isn’t exactly “Fox News” but damn, this seems iffy.

The line (I’m paraphrasing) about relocating writers to the other sites if those writers fill openings tells me it’s probably not very likely.

Piss off, Tulsi.  Nobody’s gonna miss you.

Sorry to hear about it and hope you come out smiling on the other side.


Boots and pants and

Math checks out.

True, although with a budget that grandiose I’d prefer strapping body cams on and sending them into our galaxy’s super-massive black hole.

My only hangup with your plan is the returning of those assholes to the earth in such an organic fashion.  Not sure they deserve as much.

These types of things typically end well for everybody involved...

Next thing you’ll tell me is that the yield curve became inverted...

Thank goodness we’re all protected by Paul Blart, Mollusk Cop.