Sparky Polastry

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Oh, I love it, but it’s one of those so bad, it’s good movies like Demolition Man.

When Goldeneye came out, I actually thought it was a good movie.

Now THAT is the hand of a President.

Fair point, and I agree.  Tank through the streets makes it a win.

Watching Geostorm will make one sad.

An Excel-lent point, sir.

Even when they weren’t shooting for Goldeneye Pierce Brosnan’s face clearly said “what the ever-loving fuck?”

Jerry Fucking Sandusky is less out-of-t0uch than Biden these days.

You’d think by using PowerPoint presentations he’d be out-raising all the others combined....

1. Harambe - we need a new president

So true.  It’s like they don’t realize spearmen->pikemen->lancers is the shittiest path.

Pretty sure Oz is the most credible doc they could get.  SAD!

The Gettysburg Address....was NOT where Lincoln lived.

IMHO watching Rudy Cunt-Puppet Giuliani spend hours demonstrating just how much he sucks at life is what we all deserve.

Calling him stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

She’s smarter than her brothers (not hard), less offensively bulbous than her father (also not hard)...

I know what I love - the never-ending parade of polls that seem to be making would-be voters complacent.