
Crabs in a barrel, crabs in a barrel. All skin folk Ain’t your kin folk. Bye Isiah you ain’t shit and never was. Enjoy your ascension to minstrel show performer.

I said this is the VSB article about this yesterday; black folks know how to act in front of company, and white people have no shame. We can have all the family drama we want, but what we’re NOT gonna do is show out in front of strangers. Big Momma is not about to have you airing your grievances in the presence of

Sounds like a lifetime chronic case of affluenza to me.

Dumb question: isn’t this current incident just racism by a Starbucks employee and not racism by the Starbucks corporation? I don’t see how boycotting Starbucks as whole stops the racism of individuals. It’s not like they have POC “redlining” policy...or do they?

Who gave you a star? So because they didn’t die, we shouldn’t boycott? Nope. Take that mess elsewhere. There is no let’s focus on the “real racists”. It’s all real.

I’ve got a better one: “What would Jesus have me do?” ‘Cuz Jesus could turn water into wine and live without food for 40 days and make people levitate, shit like that. You can’t. Luckily for you, he said lots of things about what you should and shouldn’t do; odds are, you’re going against at least one of them at any

It’s probably accurate. Before ~1970 (closer to 1980), there was no way to really gain wealth for native born Black Americans. You couldn’t get a high paying job, and you couldn’t get a business loan. Black people were stuck taking jobs as terrible wages essentially living paycheck to paycheck with no savings.

Really?! Why is your product list a bunch of racist stereotypes?

Wow, when did LL do a GAP commercial?

I used to just have side burns and goatee. Then I grew out as much beard as I could, just to see what I look like. It’s been about 2 years and I’m afraid to go back cuz I might be funny-lookin.

Wait, he only got 4 years and then he only served half of that? Yet you have far more people outraged over some folks taking a knee at a football game than this? O say can you see the bullshit?

“You can bring all the toys, outfits and positions to spice things up in the bedroom … after six years, you’re still sleeping with the same person.”