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Marvin Winans wit’dat old school praise...

Queen Sugar is storytelling at it’s absolute finest. It’s not just a great black story, or just a story with black actors/actresses. It’s a great story, period. It has done a great job pulling you in emotionally at various points throughout both seasons thus far. I really love the twists that have been thrown at you

Romo took a jab at Dion by pointing out how he was “known” for avoiding contact. Dion, in all of his clap-backery, did not even address this very fact, but proceeded to quote Romo stats. Say what you want about Romo, but the guy played through numerous injuries until he just couldn’t play anymore; and he definitely

BOSS: Spark was that you flipping off the Presidential motorcade?

Wow, when did LL do a GAP commercial?

I used to just have side burns and goatee. Then I grew out as much beard as I could, just to see what I look like. It’s been about 2 years and I’m afraid to go back cuz I might be funny-lookin.

Another franchise owner with a significant presence in the black community, makes an idiotic statement without realizing he just hurt future sales. I have officially had my last slice of Papa Johns. Sad because they are the only ones within delivery range of my house. Oh well...

I feel for this sista and hope she comes out of this. I understand the arrest and subsequent charge because it’s a slippery slope. If you say its okay for her to leave her 7 and 8 year old alone in a car for her job interview that she probably desperately needed, than you have to tell the gambler they can do the same

Not to mention Thulsa Doom also killed one of his own people and didn’t bat an eyelash. Definitely a badass.

For #2 The Black Trump Voter, you also will need a canned speech titled “The Myth of White Privilege” and be ready to recite it at a moments notice and with feeling.

“Crack whore’s babies!?” Really? I sincerely hope this is not the attitude you take into influencing young minds, if that is still your job. I wonder if some of that thinking, influenced your interactions with the children and parents in that community that you chose to serve.

This dude did less than half that. 497 days is one year and 4 months so this clown almost got away with misdemeanor time for a murder. Eric Harris was being arrested for a drug charge, he was not a violent offender and yet here we are yet again experiencing the systematic devaluation of a black life. This is the new

A: She made a bad analogy. Monogamy is not like borrowing the same book. You and your significant other (SO) grow together and learn new things that work for each other in the bedroom and if you don’t, you should be having conversations about it. Sex is not just physical either, there’s an emotional/mental/spiritual

Some folks think there’s a magical switch that gets flipped once you get married and everything is all rainbows and unicorns. You are the same person before and after the ceremony. What changes is your responsibility and the weight of your decisions. People don’t realize that and tend to fall back into old habits

People are a lot more decadent nowadays and pursue every little desire with no consideration of the real consequences. I am not talking about the public shaming of being a cheater, but the real “Oh shit I just fucked up my life” feeling that settles in once you have broken your vows. Additionally I think people get

This is some BS. And you know what else, if he were white, Fox News would have been all over it and criticizing anyone who didn’t donate to his gofundme page and blaming the liberal media for not reporting it. But he’s black so not a peep. They will probably say something like: “He was probably guilty of something

I’m happy Lily and Becky are letting us know who they really are and how they truly feel. It’s all fun and games til they have to give a press conference snottin’ and cryin’ cuz they got suspended.

“Fun fact: Angela Bassett is actually a highlander”

If Nancy wants to take personal credit for Western Civilization as a result of her European roots, she must also personally own the atrocities perpetrated throughout history by those of her shared heritage. The Europeans corner the market in mass murder and Human rights atrocities. The Holocaust and the slaughter of

Lets not forget that whole “placenta/afterbirth” eating thing that people still do because they believe it’s “healthy.” I know exactly zero black people who participate in that self cannibalistic wizardry.