
Also, Rings of Power is very carefully created to be accessible to older children and young teens, so families can watch it together. The gore is cartoonish and there’s no sex, only chaste romantic longing. It will be absolutely scandalous if it turns out Theo has pointy ears, I’ll tell you what.

It’s funny that the prequels to the two most popular fantasy franchises came out at roughly the same time and both enraged racists by casting black people. 

Way more people have Prime Video then HBO. 200 million vs 79 million. The 200 million is made up of people that use Amazon Prime so not that many people actually use Prime Video, but since its free with prime thats 200 million people that could watch Rings of Power for free.

I never really got into it, but the missus loves it so we have a copy on DVD from way back. And I love me some Bette Midler so I’m not bothered.

A recent A. V. Club article on Bourdain is facing criticism from readers who don’t want to watch a stupid fucking video.


I said above but these are diary entries that he wrote daily.  So while these may have been opinions, at the time, they were not always his opinion and its clear that after doing 8 movies with these kids he was proud to see them grow into their careers.  At least with Radcliff and Watson, he never mentions Grint at

I think the leads in the Harry Potter series have acknowledged publicly that their acting in the early films is pretty bad. I don’t think that’s a knock against them, per se. If you look back at the stuff you were doing at 12, you likely were not doing that stuff at an adult level of quality, and don’t feel bad about

The other excerpts in the Guardian show him softening toward Radcliffe and even occasionally meeting with him outside of shooting the films. They seem to have had a mentor-mentee relationship by the end. It does not appear he liked Watson much at all. He writes that he read in Vogue while receiving medical treatment

Ugh. After re-reading I get it. There’s a moment where Dumbledore asks Snape, “Still?” after seeing his patronus, and Snape replies “Always.” It’s in reference to him still being in love with his unrequited crush (Harry’s mom) and his patronus matches hers because of it or whatever.

Severus Snape was always (no Harry Potter pun intended) 

As someone who dared venture into a Queer As Folk fan forum, yes and in a very unsettling and intense way.

I don't know about IRL relationships, but if you only had Japanese manga/anime as a reference, you'd tend to believe more women are into gay male couples than men are into lesbian pairings.

She didn’t roll out of bed looking like that, you know. That photo is what you get when a team devotes many man-hours to producing an image of someone looking maximally fuckable.

To paraphrase Tim Minchin, just because an idea is lasting or tolerated does not mean it is worthy. Unless you think that the status quo ever has been and always shall be the best of all possible worlds.

To be fair, the evidence you’re citing would also be the output of that process.

Even in 2003, while filming Monster, she recalls pushing back against its financier’s desire to have a “hot lesbian film with Christina Ricci.”

I really tried but Kinja only allows me to hand out one.

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.