Hot take: someone who is *not* wearing a mask in those situations is virtue signaling
Hot take: someone who is *not* wearing a mask in those situations is virtue signaling
My father-in-law, who has a whole host of medical issues and so does his wife, has a similar attitude. He often throws out “I am old, I will die when I die”. It fucking pisses me off because my wife, his primary care giver right now, has an autoimmune disease and she, and I and the kids, very much would not like her…
I don’t see how a comment about what “most people” are doing can be ableist. It is perfectly reasonable for a person to continue to mask — I do on public transportation. And some people (like Hader) have particularly good reasons to want to mask, and we should respect that. But most people have assessed the risks…
“but now that people are feeling marginally safer out in the world”
You’re going to be fine. This doesn’t affect you in any way. Please relax
When you’re using a well-established character like that it seems like you’d work out those licensing issues before you released (hell, before you made) your film. But I guess this is a good way to drum up publicity and make yourself look like a downtrodden underdog.
Wild guess: This game will take place right around the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. That era offers a lot of political intrigue as well as pitched battles, gunpowder weaponry is available, and Japan was still open to European nations, so the backdrop still allows for Templers and the like to be present in such a…
Yeah actually. There were multiple methods throughout the Middle East but the quick and dirty version was filling a stone pool with water and overnight it would get cold enough to form ice that could be stored in an insulated room or container.
Ghost of Tsushima was almost entirely rural sandbox, with only small sequences in populated areas. I would expect AC:Japan to be primarily in Edo or Kyoto, with emphasis on the parkour and architectural exploration the series’ earlier games were known for and not another Valhalla-styled sprawl.
Seriously! I love me some Galarian Slowking! Regional variants refresh the basics and bring some whimsy in a time when even kids games have to be “serious” and “grown-up” by reminding us that nature has surprises in store for us if we look hard enough.
Can you imagine the thought process he described in that take down of Alolan variants? “Oh, this Vulpix looks different… I’m going to hit it with a water attack anyway!” How obtuse!
Alolan forms bringing in new regional variants should definitely be the “best” of that gen. Or no longer needing HMs proper and having pokemon taxi services do that feature.
Love Aloha Ninetales’ Pokedex Entry; It helps because it wants you to leave.
Wait, what!? I LOVE Alolan forms, ESPECIALLY Vulpix/Ninetails! And Litten as the best starter? Nope.
I think at this point only allowing 4 moves isn’t going anywhere. It’s such a core mechanic of the game that it would really break things to lose that. Though, there are situations where you can switch to a different moveset, like with Mega Evolution or Dynamax.
4 moves to a Pokemon has stayed. Think that’s a pretty good limiter tactically. Means Pokemon have to have specific roles.
jebus i kept reading and he disses aloan types too. unsalvageable article.
this article is crap for dissing mega evolutions. BRING THEM BACK
yeah and i know slideshows suck too buuuuuut sometimes - like this time - they are appropriate. i wish we weren’t required to do them as often tho
only turned this into a slideshow bc i figured loading multiple tweets would hella suck and kinja’s kinda ass at taking a bunch of photos at one time