Might be accurate depending on how much he disassociates.
Might be accurate depending on how much he disassociates.
You’re probably outside of his demographic because - I’m not exaggerating - nearly everyone between 25-35 knows his music.
I find myself deeply invested in the relationship between these two people I don’t know and will never meet.
Yup! Couldn’t agree more. I don’t know how Gomez put up with him those first two seasons.
One of the things most people have forgotten about Breaking Bad is what a huge dick Hank was at the show’s beginning.
That entire scene to me read like a miniature response to Fly. A similar setup where Walt and his “partner” are trapped together, and must deal with Walt’s escalating neurosis. I was half expecting Walt to bring up the same regret he expressed in Fly, that he should’ve died earlier - but it’s perfectly fitting for…
That’s all accurate, but one minor structural criticism I have with the overall BrBa story is that while we are beaten over the head with displays of Walt’s powerlessness and humiliation, at the end of the day, TV logic dictates that Walt cannot die or be arrested until the final episode.
uh yeah man that’s how the internet works.
One quote closely associated with Walt-the-invincible-badass is “I’m the one who knocks”. And it’s a lie: Jessie was the one who knocked on Gale Boetticher’s door and then shot him because Walt himself was about to be killed. Blowing up Gus was something Hector did (admittedly, with lots of help from Walt he couldn’t…
Are you also dropping by to let everyone know how stupid you are by intentionally on clicking articles recapping episodes you haven’t seen yet?
I’m fascinated by this comment. Did they change the thumbnail image? Because the current one isn’t any kind of spoiler, other than Kim dyeing her hair I suppose.
Either watch pop culture live or accept spoilers can happen.
In the end, as we all expected, Better Call Saul was a show about a guy who adds 80 years to his prison sentence to impress a girl.
How does any of it actually do anything?
Donna Bowman has been recapping this season on a substack! You can sign up for the free version here: https://episodicmedium.substack.com/s/better-call-saul
You’re entitled to your opinion (terrible though it may be), but not your own facts. Kim clearly didn’t think it “was stupid.”
If Kim didn’t seem impressed and thought it was stupid, why did she happily visit him in prison using her old NM bar card which is illegal and would’ve gotten her in trouble herself?
“You never know with good behavior.”
“You never know with good behavior.” No matter how many wrong, selfish decisions one has made in their life, there is always room for growth. You have to accept the repercussions of your past, of course, but what solace comes out of any situation if you don’t see the opportunity for growth in it. Some people never…