Did you all come from the same place, with the same weird, fatuous demand?
Did you all come from the same place, with the same weird, fatuous demand?
You’re done with Rick and Morty to the extent that you’ll continue to show up to every AV Club post about it to comment on how problematic it is and how morally superior you are for not watching it.
That’s because Jasmine was obviously supposed to be good looking, but it didn’t feel like she was drawn to make the audience want to fuck her (though obviously some of them did). Lola Bunny in Space Jam, on the other hand, feels specifically made to make the audience horny, which is even weirder because she’s a rabbit…
This makes me very horny, very horny indeed.
Technically, Marvin wasn’t wearing a skirt but a Roman Centurion uniform, where the tunic under the armor ended at knee height. I guess the idea that the word Mars comes from the Roman god, so Martians would be Romans?
Hey, if I had Lebron James money, I wouldn’t be bald either.
Even back when I was a kid I cringed at the Lola scenes.
The video is called “Diarrhea In The Pool.” Isn’t that warning enough?
Once they trot out the show, I bet it has a good run.
Wow, Zack Snyder and zombies. It’s a good thing no one is tired of either of those things.
This seems pretty self-serious in tone as it is, despite the exchange of “It’s a birthmark” “What do you mean?” “He was born with it” needing only the kicker “But that’s not important right now” to be a lost bit of Airplane! dialogue.
Australia: for all your desolate wasteland needs!
I instantly clocked that as Australia. Come to find the director said its Outworld- Shot in a disused coal mine in Australia. heh. Not exactly how the games depict it, but I can see the other-worldy look he’s going for.
The music at the end actually sounds a bit like the old movie’s theme. Easter egg?
Good catch, just thought it was a generic desolate landscape on first watch. Didn’t notice the giant-ass planet in the sky. Might be the movie’s interpretation of Outworld or one of the other realms rather than actual Jupiter.
Glad they took that long beat to let Sub-Zero say his famous catch phrase “I am Sub-Zero”.
I think the “who” in this situation is “Guys who ascribe any shortcoming with creatively bankrupt blockbusters based off of comic books to ‘the SJWs who run Hollywood’”
Notice the generic headline. Why not “Guy no one likes tweeted about a film no rational person cares about”
File this under who gives a shit.
You Greg Heads will always find a way to shit on my man Tim. Really disrespectful to the legacy of Tom Cruise Heidecker.