
I think Vince Gilligan took the right lessons from The X-Files, in that you have to learn to think on your feet because things will happen with your actors and your locations and your writers that are beyond your control but that you also have to be able to turn that into a cohesive story.

I’ve always suspected Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad shared the same universe, and this article leads me to believe my theory may hold water!

Whatever happens, Kim deserved better.

Exactly zero people want her imprisoned for being a shitty boss. The only person I’ve ever seen comparing her behavior to that of rapists and creeps in Hollywood (and also Jeffrey Epstein? So I guess we’re including all the monsters in the financial circuit?) is you.

Give her show to Dakota Johnson

Yah she still sounds like an asshole.

Matt Lauer raped women for years and had an automatic lock on his door.

That’s actually a line in one of her old stand up routines. She’s on the phone with God and says “It’s Ellen....DeGeneres....yes, it does sound like that.”

Didn’t Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson or one of those jerks call her that like 20 years ago?

Ellen: Moving on... who wants a t-shirt?

“It has come to my attention that I have a reputation for abusing my below-the-line staff, henceforth I will redirect my abuse towards my above-the-line staff until I am no longer under scrutiny.”

You guys, you guys, I’ve got it! We’ll call her... Ellen Degenerate! That is both a new idea and will solve this problem forever.

One aspect that gets glossed over in this discussion is who profits from racist media? Sure slap a disclaimer on there so people are warned about blackface, and can’t claim ignorance when GWTW glorifies the confederacy, but where do the dollars they make peddling racism go? Is the money they make off of black people’s

True. The stories told in tv and film and books are part of our collective culture and history, as are the true stories of [any historical racist jackasses you care to name]. Removing a celebratory/lionizing statue is not at all equivalent to removing access to films/shows/books we now find morally offensive. Removing

How is that the same? A statue honors something and people aren’t given a choice to opt-in on it. You have to seek out a tv show on a streaming service.

I don’t think “we” did anything. But also: “LaToya.”


I believe it was Mizz (not The Miz) and Dot Gov.

It’s interesting to compare the two: The Parks and Recreation one had a much more beneficial reason to exist, with it raising money for charity, whereas this one’s primary motivation is to spread awareness of NBC’s new streaming app, but does so in a way that feels very much in line with a show where much of the humor