
my thoughts exactly!

I know that feel! except that one time where bastard husband got to the bathroom first... I went into the bathroom and proceeded to pee in a container... that overflowed... and then when I went to pour it down the drain I knocked it and spilled my pee down the entire bathroom cabinet >.< and you know how it is when

me too. not that I share much with him - but even if I AM proud of a poo he acts like he's so bored cos his are always bigger and better!

I have seen couples who share a facebook but never seen one with child-free in the name - it's like "hey - this is my most identifying feature and the most interesting thing about me!"

that sounds like an ideal birth scenario :)

I know plenty of women who have had their placenta freeze-dried and put into capsules. I would. it's supposed to help with PPD. I bet you have found some interesting recipes!

I sat next to a young couple going on their honeymoon on a 14hr longhaul from Brisbane to LA - that was pretty sickening, but not a retch-inducing as the CONSTANT runny nose sniffing the guy did! I kept offering him tissues which he declined so I was beside myself with rage within a few hours. thank God for ear plugs

wow alright! that is some messed up bullshit - I mean - who are you ever going to be able to show that selfie to without any sane person condemning you to hell for taking it?!

umm... OUCH!!!!


maybe I am gross, but if I was being paid good money and the used tampons were my own I would do this without batting an eyelid!

ohh you poor thing that all sounds horrendous! xxx

Clever Girl? omg dog poo is THE WORST.

holy shit that is NASTY!!! you poor thing!!

WOW your ex sounds like a massive cunt! you poor thing having to go through all that stuff - hope you and bubs are doing well now though :)

'save first base'?!??!? are you fucking kidding me?? I had no idea that was one of the slogans - it's fucking awful! 0.o

I have an autoclave in my dental clinic but I don't think the workmates would enjoy me running my cups through with their probes and tweezers lol!

Miltons is a good sanitising soak. you can use it for baby bottles so I figure it would be suitable for a cup. but in saying that I have used a cup for years and only ever rinsed it with water - no staining and no smell - I just pop it out in the shower and wash it while I'm in there and put it back in when I am out

I'm an ashamed Aucklander. I used to listen to this station every morning but this comp crossed a line for me. For all Dom's bravado about gay marriage I think he is a closet homophobe from way back and they have been doing that show for so long now they are out of fresh ideas and have become really trashy. This

you should watch the first season of Broadchurch - your knickers will fall off!