
I love this. When I worked retail, I hated going in on Thanksgiving. It’s a fun holiday everyone should be able to enjoy. Of course, I’d like the supermarkets to be opened until 10am on Thanksgiving and Christmas, just because I always forget something important. I am a hypocrite, but only asking them to be open for a

Good for them. As someone who had a job where I sometimes had to work Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (video store) at one point, this encroachment of Black Friday into Thanksgiving Day makes me all kinds of angry. Retail employees deserve to have their holidays off too! I know some people like working those days

American thanksgiving is mostly a “stuff your face with pie at 2 in the afternoon then watch football” holiday. Most people will say something nice about being thankful at the meal or your kid might put a drawing of a pilgrim on the fridge, but that’s as deep as it gets. It’s about mashed potatoes and sweatpants.

Time to accept that you may be colorblind and just move on.

I wandered through one recently. Found a leather belt on sale for ONE DOLLAR.

Looking good, Brian!

I’m glad they are doing this. It’ s about damn time somebody realized that if they keep moving back the “shopping days” where does it end? Halloween? So good. They should all be closed on Thanksgiving.

i’m really, really hoping shit like this becomes popular. i’m pretty bah humbug already, but having christmas shit in stores before halloween is over is fucking ridiculous. i know there are bigger issues in the world but goddamn it the christmas crawl makes me grumpy. i feel like people are bigger assholes around the

...And you just know that despite the very real and justified reasons for doing so, there are still going to be assholes who judge and look down on you for it.

H&M stands for “hates mistletoe.”

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest shopping days? Get a life people.

H&M’s logo is red and plain. Coincidence? I think not.

i’m 25 and lived on campus and in apartments from 18 to graduation, lived at home for a year to save money and have been in apartments since then (age 23-present). sometimes i think maybe i should have stayed at home longer (because it was an option for me, fortunately) to save money. i think other people my age might

His parents refused to take me in because I’d raise their water bill too much

Independence for young people—again, that’s everybody 18 to 34—peaked in 1960, with only 24 percent under the familial roof. After that, the share of youths living at home crept upward until 2000, then jumped—especially post-2008—and kept rising.

This doesn’t surprise me. And it’s only gonna get worse. If you’ll all allow me to use the economics degree that has not landed me a high paying job and bore you a little: pre-1980 and Reagan, there were massive taxes on the rich that allowed us to have a functioning Federal government (thanks to the great FDR, my fav

I’m sure it sucks. This economic climate has been hard for a good many people and I consider myself lucky to have retained my job through the entire thing, but I realize it could have just as easily gone the other way as it has for millions through no fault of their own. On the other had, you’ve got the makings of a

The cost of weddings, but likely the cost of just getting by. Even for people who are fully employed, trying to set aside money for a wedding - even a small one - is tough when there’s either a.) debt or b.) the usual costs of living to compete with.

Generally I skip most posted videos, but this one I watched. Well done and very worth the time.

I love the dynamic between mother and daughter. It’s such a perfect blend of respect and affection. And watching her with her grandson was especially touching. It seems like it’s been such hard work, but truly a labor of love.