
Don't interrupt her. this is not the republican yahoos you ran against for the nomination.

I think Donald is failing. I am biased though.

small loan. Small loan is $1000.00. not 14 million.

All his stuff is made overseas.

Trump is sniffling. I think he has pneumonia.

harping on China.

they toned down the orange makeup on Trump.

Trump showed up. Shockeroo.

Good for Frank.

Jill Stein is moron.

You sure have a lot of ideas about what this man should do with his money.

I can accept a spoiler if I willingly read an article about a movie or showed that just aired and I am too stupid not to read comments. The spoilers I hate are the ones in the headlines. Spoiler alert in Orange is the New Black. headline how this death changes everything. As soon as I saw the OINB article I had no

I watched the first episode. It was an awful mess that made zero sense. Baz Lurhman likes hip hop but has no idea what he is doing. I heard some hip hop people advised him, I don't think he actually listened.
Kids are awful actors and the hispanic lead girl can't sing or dance.

Why do you need to hear from the accuser? She didn't bring this up, Deadspin did.

What really got me was that girl came in 11th. If Simone and Gabby hadn't been there she would've came in 9th. you don't even get a participation certificate coming in 9th.


Once he lost he went back to being Independent. I believe if he ran and won he would've dumped the dems and went back to being Independent.

Even those ridiculous tea partiers knew to run for local elections and the house. Green Party shows up every 4 years wanting to be in charge. You can't start at the top.

Shitty Rachel also wrote the suicide note, get the sister to cosign it was her sisters hand writing. Dumb ass sister agreed to this in an attempt to keep violent ex from getting custody of the girl. Custody doesn't work like that morons at Unreal.

ruby's dad is a doctor. So not poor.