
The real problem with Bernie bros is they have fake problems. Nobody cares you didn't get your way. They act like the rules to the DNC delegate process was a secret. Guess what bros the DNC was in the tank for Hilary in 2008 too. Somehow it didn't work out as planned.

Hilary is that woman at your job nobody really likes. You never invite her out to lunch with you and you and nobody really knows her life. But you would most def pick her for your team project becasue she will get it done.

It shows they are too stupid to try. I don't know why they think this BS is so groundbreaking.

So you are saying black people aren't capable of shitty writing.

So, it doesn't make them good writers. The RNC is full of black people throwing other black people under the bus.

Melania has no degree. Somebody on Gawker already exposed she dropped out her first year in University to model. I don't even understand why they lied about that.

I honestly think this was a deliberate act of sabotage from inside the Trump campaign. They can't possibly be this stupid.

Taylor managed to produce crap that people will buy. She should drop an album in the next 30 days that mess would sell 10 million sympathy copies.

What fantasy land are you living in thinking a black penis makes women lose their mind and no white man will have them. White women who date black men go back to white men everyday. Do you know how many families I see daily with one biracial kid with white step dad and full white brothers and sisters.

mediocre. Nothing special or memorable.

Its quite obvious to anyone with 1/2 a brain that Future is mad that Ciara doesn't need him like the rest of the mothers of his kids. Some of them may not really need him either, but they aren't famous and no one cares who the date or marry.

2016 has most definitely been a year of infinite sucking.

None of this makes sense. I don't actually believe the police accounts of what the dead sniper said. Of course besides being a murderer he is also an awful liar. Cop say 4 snipers positioned on roof tops. Dead guy says he is alone and upset about black lives matter and wants to kill white cops. Cops have 3 people in

The little boy in the middle of the pool is not cool because he is clearly drowning. Not cool maybe black lifeguard is not helping.

That racist crap should've stayed in the house. They had to lock the hospital down where they took her son. Cause the family was acting a straight fool. The reporter didn't go to her house and knock on the door they were across the street from the shit hole trailer park she lives in. I see a lot of sympathy from white

Do you think Tom Hardy or Chris Hemsworth would have a party and say no white women allowed?

Did your lame ass do a google search to find black sites talking about OITNB? I know your joy in life is lecturing blacks about their feelings and explaining why they are wrong. Now go back to Breibart or whatever dull mommy blog you frequent.

that would be def edited out. Prob just show kissing date, Crazy woman attacking almost a widow and jumping on Darius after being cut.

I'm convinced she said that after seeing pix some women send her husband via Instragram and Twitter and whatever else is out there. She got salty and in her feelings and said some dumb shit.

No, not a good contract at all. She is offering nothing but I assume her pretty face and he has to do what she says. Never sign a contract that doesn't benefit you in any way. Also assuming this is totally fake.