
Can we stop calling it ugly? I like it and don’t appreciate Lifehacker trying to push clickbait titles.

As a man, I can follow this advice.

Yessss..... it is what the paperclip wants....

Friendly reminder that this thing only chargers at 1A so it will take forever to charge your phone.

Friendly reminder that this thing only chargers at 1A so it will take forever to charge your phone.

Can you help me understand how that is safer than Coinbase? Is it because I then own my blockchain key? Wouldn’t they have a copy in their database of that key or is a new one generated?

The ability to hide the fact I can’t stop playing universal paperclip.

Sincere question here (and hopefully it doesn’t come off as “bragging”), but what about resentment for those of us who save for retirement when we see others not save and spend it on nice things? I *hate* that my first thought goes to negative scenarios of that person (e.g. “they’ll be working until they are 75",

Bar-B-Que? Barbie Cue? Better Buy Quiche?

What about OMG WTF BBQ? A fave.

Why haven’t any of my friends sent me this article? I sent this article to a couple of them. They must be busy. Wait, everyone responded except Chandler and Monica.... what the....

Know who keeps things simple since the creation? Dropbox. I feel like Google and Microsoft always change their syncing apps.

If they ask you what the opposite of “yes” is, I think it is appropriate to answer with “no”. Answering with “maybe” might be considered rude.

Yaaaaa buddy!!

My team is the Jacksonville Jaguars. According to city rules, I can watch them get picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays. Recycling also gets picked up on Fridays.

This is the best comment I have ever stumbled across on any website ever.

Do you recommend different providers or just one? I can open multiple through Ally but think it may be better to have some I don’t see.

Can you explain gaffer’s tape for me? Also, what strap do you use? I am obsessed with my BlackRapid Sport but never see them mentioned in these types of articles.

Please, if you need solid and accurate readings (as I do as I am on my BP medication), get an arm cuff and not a wrist cuff. I’ve had several and the readings are wildly inaccurate at times for the slightest of reasons.

Please, if you need solid and accurate readings (as I do as I am on my BP medication), get an arm cuff and not a

Coke Zero is designed to replicate Coca Cola, meaning it destroys my stomach entirely and without fail. Diet Coke was designed to be mixed with Rum and, due to the artificial sweetener, get you buzzed quicker.

Coke Zero is designed to replicate Coca Cola, meaning it destroys my stomach entirely and without fail. Diet Coke

How to drink at lunch. HUZZAH