So I think I’m not well versed enough in this sphere to answer this....
So I think I’m not well versed enough in this sphere to answer this....
So I think I’m not well versed enough in this sphere to answer this....
So I think I’m not well versed enough in this sphere to answer this....
Looks good, except it should be a Canon instead.
Sure I have some bias as he went to Michigan State, but Kirk is a great QB and a great guy off the field. Add to that how he handled a tough situation with a one-hit wonder QB and it becomes clearer. Also add to that as one of his “downsides” is taking time to learn a system and ramping up.
What? It’s not even scratch and sniff? But if rich people think it’s good, I’ll buy it. One art, please!
I absolutely love this card and there are so many under-valued and under-rated perks. The most frustrating part would be the airline lounges, but to me I don’t really care about those very often (specifically, many are located in international terminals; flying domestically across Australia I was barely able to access…
I absolutely love this card and there are so many under-valued and under-rated perks. The most frustrating part…
As a Floridian, you aren’t missing much in the summer here, other than massive deals on jean shorts. I can say that, I live here. :)
How can you have an article about canned wine and not mention Underwood?!?! By far the best option! I called my distributor to find out where they are sold because I love them so much, haha! Just be warned it is 2 glasses per can of Underwood... whoops :)
Just a reminder that “No” and “Cargo” rhyme. Just say no.
Just a reminder that “No” and “Cargo” rhyme. Just say no.
As a Lifetime Marriott Platinum by the time I was 27, I agree with you completely. Also, Aloft is fun because you can open the door with your Apple watch!
I’m sure you had Sound Blaster Live! for Macintosh!
Same here. I read a great article on diversifying your points though if you travel frequently. I get enough Marriott points from the hotel. CUR gives me flexibility outside of Marriott.
Same here. I read a great article on diversifying your points though if you travel frequently. I get enough Marriott…
“excitement of your plans tomorrow”
I personally find that BetterTouchTool does all of this extremely well.
This made me lol!
As someone who bought one of these during a previous sale, I am yet to actually use them. I’ve tried... OH HAVE I TRIED. But it doesn’t beat the ability to pack a ton more in to a carry on using other methods.
As someone who bought one of these during a previous sale, I am yet to actually use them. I’ve tried... OH HAVE I…
As someone who lives in Jacksonville, it gets you a lot of jean shorts.
Obligatory XKCD comic. Make sure to read the mouseover.
I’ve heard of some folks blocked online for the 5/24 going in to a branch and being approved. If not, in the meantime, look for point bonuses on Business Cards, which you can apply for as yourself with your SSN as the ID.
I’ve heard of some folks blocked online for the 5/24 going in to a branch and being approved. If not, in the…
Great point that I forgot to mention about the swapping the points to partner programs. That is a fantastic feature.
Great point that I forgot to mention about the swapping the points to partner programs. That is a fantastic feature.
The only thing you have to look out for is the long wait time for Global Entry. Other than that, it will come right off your credit card!
The only thing you have to look out for is the long wait time for Global Entry. Other than that, it will come right…