
I got the Reserve right away and have been very impressed by it mainly for the sign-up bonus (TL;DR - I may not end up keeping it though). For example, the $300 travel credit automatically applies on a purchase-by-purchase basis (take a $10 Uber? You’ll immediately see a $10 credit). Customer service has been great.

I got the Reserve right away and have been very impressed by it mainly for the sign-up bonus (TL;DR - I may not end

What is this weird word you speak of...... “date”....?

What is this weird word you speak of...... “date”....?

This. So much this. I used to get so frustrated trying to “will” myself back to sleep. May as well get up. I found cleaning helps me accomplish a small task that when it is complete I have “earned” to go back to bed.

FWIW, I *just* purchased the R6700 and the coupon applied. Time to upgrade from the Airport Express!

FWIW, I *just* purchased the R6700 and the coupon applied. Time to upgrade from the Airport Express!

What is a buttfor?

This just reminds me of Aziz Ansari’s romance ballad “Withdraw.... deposit... withdraw.... deposit... withdraw.... deposit.... INSUFFICIENT FUNDS?!”

I like to interrupt my rest days with exercise. Not the opposite. That way if I miss an exercise day I keep my rest streak alive and well. Win!

And now I can’t possibly wait for a Neil deGrasse Tyson version of this.... gimme!


Use an already opened pistachio shell to pry open the hard to open pistachio. Solved!

I don’t think they were being mean but I still want to share happiness, so here, please choose one or more of the following: a) internet hug, b) internet fist bump, c) internet high five, or d) internet down low five.


Presuming they do, I would hope they would use relevant memes posted from your account.

I know this is an old article, but have you given any thought to using two cloud backup solutions versus cloud and external hard drive? I keep all of my files in Dropbox and use an external hard drive. I was thinking of moving to Dropbox and CrashPlan and not worrying about a hard drive. I know there is a speed risk

Articles like this make me jealous of Android users that can set default apps. I love, love, love my iPhone and iOS but really wish I could set default apps.

Hey Lana, where does this highway go?

Please write an article about this for cats. Thanks in advance.

Can someone ELI5 on how airlines are struggling so much that they need to do things like this? Is it the need for higher margins for stakeholders? Every flight I’m on is always sold out.

Love alternative chargers! This one obviously costs more but has a built in USB charger and is extremely small. I pre-ordered the Dart-C and am looking forward to it!

Love alternative chargers! This one obviously costs more but has a built in USB charger and is extremely small. I

How, for the love of dodgeball, does one play that game? I remember playing as a kid and having absolutely no clue on how to play. I could never throw it or catch it!