
I've started asking. In my informal pool of probably 500+ restaurants (I'm a consultant, I eat out on the road quite often) I have heard of exactly 0 restaurants participate in a pooling method. I do know that most servers appreciate cash tips regardless as it helps with how much they have to report. Not saying it is

Is anyone else experiencing an issue with the iPhone 5 connecting and disconnecting repeatedly? I am on a ton of beta software but it still seems like it should charge (Mavericks, iTunes Beta, iOS 7 beta). If I can't connect, I can't update to the GM.

Not on the list but I know for a fact I am using Google Reader to its full potential right now...

It does, but all it does is say "Apps Using Significant Power" (I'm on Mavericks now). And even then, it doesn't pick up everything (like certain processes; closing Outlook suddenly adds like 4 hours of battery life sometimes but yet doesn't appear in the list). Although it is still beta, I doubt it will fix things

Tessa - will you answer one of these for yourself??

As usual, another great job Tessa! I was curious... do you think you would be able to get an actor/actress to do one of these? I'd love to know the tools they use to learn/memorize lines, learn characters, etc. Keep it up!

I'll protect you. No worries.

Your comment made me think of dating versus getting married.

We tried that at first. It happens if there is one thing in there, medium load, full load, sheets, normal clothes, any time. It happens every. single. time. and is extremely frustrating.

I had a Maytag washer that would always get the UL code (Unbalanced Load). After leveling it, it still happened. Advice: Just buy a new washer. 95% of the time it is the gearbox under the floating bin (5% of the time it's an adjustment to a bearing). Costs more to repair than to buy new.

Love the articles Tessa! Keep up the great work!!

Get over yourself. The guy is trying to do something new. How this "offends" you offends me.

Could you do one of these on a team, or start a team series? I'd love to know how various teams of 2-8 people work together and what tips/tricks they use and do. Thanks!

I'm with you man. I want like a "Life IDE"; basically Outlook but for non-work (read: nicer looking).

It's surprising because Microsoft updates are typically patches. I don't really recall Windows getting updated features as it progressed like OS X does (NATJAO - not a troll, just an observation). This is exciting that they are giving out updates along with patches.

I freaking love iTunes on my computer. Now iTunes on my wife's computer is another story... but I blame her for that. :)

How did you get to 35? I'm at 30 and I thought I've done anything (unless you got more from the SpaceRace Quest).

You win comment of the day for ending that with a happy face.

Ya, all of the others are definitely superficial and, to be honest, I would have never known I wanted them or missed them except for always having a Windows laptop then going to a Macbook Air, then back to a Windows ultrabook. Missing those things definitely changed my personal workflow enough to where I missed them.

Agreed! I'm hoping when Office 2014 comes out it solves all my issues of having to use Parallels :)