
I have to mention that this was, in fact, my fault. Apparently with Picasa on Mac if you tell it to delete "Pictures" it thinks you want your entire Pictures folder deleted, as opposed to the random images that show up without a folder. Lesson learned the hard way....

Perhaps we can make it so the xbox only works when you put a quarter or two in it, haha

You sir, get +1 Internets today. Thanks!!!

Thanks for saying this. I just had my entire folder deleted by them (on one computer; I'm in IT; definitely was not me). Try restoring those files... it is a pain in the... laptop. It isn't like dropbox where if you restore a folder all the files come back. Ugh. And it needs selective sync immediately. Thanks for

Happy Friday! I wanted to share a tip I have used previously and it worked out quite well: I wrote a PIN on the back of my ATM card. Not the correct PIN, the wrong PIN. I lost my wallet once and the thief tried to draw money out only to deactivate the card from the number of wrong attempts. Stay safe out there!

Ah!!! Can't unsee what has been seen!! Ahh!!!

Conspiracy: Rebecca Black - Friday. Rebecca Black Friday. Black Friday. Thanksgiving. Think about it. *mindblown*

No watch with laser? Or are you already wearing it? Hmmmm?

Not sure I completely understand why this timing "couldn't be better".... it seems like from the public outcry that this is a welcomed change and that Ive will be much better in the role. Or is it because the stock markets are down?

The issue I had with my Androids (and I use "issue" lightly) is that I never stopped customizing it. I can't imagine how much time I've saved by not being "allowed" to change my keyboard out. I think it was a Catch-22 for me. I, too, get bored by the simplistic nature of Apple. However, I've also saved countless hours

You and I are in the same boat... and hopefully we'll be able to sell most of our Apple stuff at a decent price to pay for it all!

Comment about how if this were an apple device, it would get much better reviews.

Response to a comment where I'm thinking I'm responding to main comment. Something about ponies.

Short point about this and the author's ability/non-ability to write and/or journalism. Posted twice by accident.

Short point about this and the author's ability/non-ability to write and/or journalism. Posted twice by accident.

I admit to being someone who bought the 32GB iPad Mini. Before everyone jumps on me, I did read the comparisons and my thought process and justification went like:

Ah! I was debating getting that one!

32GB Wi-Fi Black/Slate with dark grey cover!!! ooooooo!! oooooo!!!!

Well said sir

Which color is better on the iPad Mini? How do the colors compare to the iPhone 5?