They are saving the displays for the new 13" iPad!!
They are saving the displays for the new 13" iPad!!
Why wouldn't you just use Dropbox?? Seems like that would make the most sense in terms of cost.
Yes, actually you can. Only $220 for an entire year of being able to receive "07734" and "5318008" from your friends! haha []
Thanks for the fast response. Question for you though — why do you need the 4GB of RAM? I thought I read that the speed of the hard drive pretty compensates for the 2GB of RAM, although I'm hoping it would work that way in Win7 as well...
Congratulations on the future nursery!! :)
For my birthday, my wife's present to me is that I can get either a MacBook Air or an iPad. Which should I get and why?
Gizmodo is in my waiting room. *wink wink*
I could install it again but I like to be very minimal in anything I install and it just doesn't seem worth it to me to have a program to just do that... definitely an option though :) I wish there was an add-on pack to make the search location more extensionable.
Windows question... so I used to use launchy to quickly do calculations instead of opening up calculator (trust me, it sped things up for me). Is there any way to get that functionality in the windows "Search Program and Files" on Windows 7?
I'd like to see this comparison for pagers, please.
Thanks Das! Unfortunately it seems the promotion/star gods have passed me over! Maybe next time :)
From a design of the device perspective, they don't need to, but iOS is really lagging in comparison from a usability, flexibility, expandability, and hardware (specs) perspective.
One time I had to mortgage all of my properties after a trip to Boardwalk. I then took a chance and ended up taking a ride on the Reading Railroad (even passed Go!) which my grammy owned all of the railroads and ended up going bankrupt. I always wondered how grammy had so much money, but as she was the banker, I never…
What's that on the post behind this one? "LOST. My keys to my mother's basement. If found, please call. Answer to the name Steve."
Despite my icon and screenname, I have to give UM some respect for their R&D focus areas... they really come up with some amazing stuff! However, to that point, the on-campus ice cream shop is far better than UM's... fact.
Looking down in the shower. Hey oh!
>^..^< mrow?
I wish you could get two stars for that response, haha
Does this remind anyone of those commercials with the eggs? "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs."
Gonorrhea?! More like Heretostay-orrhea! *rimshot*