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Whatever, I can sprint in Bastion, and the speech bubble went away from Freelancer Jani. Best update, ever.

This headline could be parlayed into a kickass weight loss plan.

I... um... so... uhh... well okay then.

A pox on all their cattle. Disgusting. I bet all of them are Mortal Kombat button mashing shin kickers.

If he said this about my daughter I’d remove his testicles with a blowtorch.

Allow me to help you express your rage in the appropriate manner.

I think I speak for most rational people when I say,

what in the gay hell happened here?

You may drop the microphone on the way out.

You sir, are a goddamn national tresure.

I made them hold the hill and hated it. HATED it. Next play through I'll do it differently.

And those conversations make later choices incredibly hard. At least for me.

Odinsleep is when Odin uses up all his powers and has to sleep off the rest of the year.

Yep, and by blogging about it you just gave his marketing company substantial SEO traffic and improved ratings. Worse yet, you subjected us to the horrid "Baste" video. A pox on all your cattle.