
Who, Bannon?

mentally, physically, ideologically, politically, name a ly, and he’s unfit for it.   


Single mothers?! Lesbians with children ?!! Stay at home dads?!!!!

I am not a fan of her music, but her prusuit of this fight has made me a fan of her as a person. Fuck this dude! Turkey and a diet coke is too calorie rich? That is just fucking absurd.

This fuckwad needs his career over, and this needs to happen years ago.

Why does everyone think millenials are so young?? Our youngest are in their mid 20s and oldest in their mid 30s. We had landlines. I remember getting told off (a lot) as a child for listening in.

The treatment of Michelle is reason enough to abolish it. An educated woman who wanted to tackle the unfortunate truth that most of American children are Augustus Gloop clones is a bridge too far. Enjoy your clogged arteries!

Donald Trump: *falls down a flight of stairs, confirming his biggest fear that his hands really are small, too small in fact to properly hold a railing and support his jiggly self*

TBH if I had money, I’d hire someone with that exact job description

Okay so today I learned that Rob Lowe is a lot less demanding than my husband.

Jeebus, I’m so glad that in between his 7 hours of TV a day and tearing the country apart with his shitty executive orders he has time to be this fucking petty.

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”

That gown’s wearing a perfectly nice looking young woman.

Not even with yours.

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.


Same line up reading Donald Trump speeches and you’d have an Emmy in the making.

My idea for a superbowl halftime show: James Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken, and Dame Judy Dench all give dramatic readings of what five year olds say they want for dinner and why.   

Everyone forgets Maroon 5.