
If my dog doesn’t like you, I’m pretty sure I won’t like you.

Dane Cook is ten years older than me, if I was dating someone with the same age difference it would involve me, a 37 year old woman, dating a 9 year old boy.

You and me both, lady. You and me both. 

Gah, you’re right, I’m fixing. I should have just sold highlighter palettes.

“...hence, I assume, why...”

Still, I can’t help but feel slightly sorry for Jade....

Me, a moment ago: Haha! Funny burn on Dane Cook! Let’s see how old she really is.

I don’t know whose head/face that is in that poster, but it’s not Brad Pitt’s. Someone needs to send that photoshop disaster back to hell where it belongs.

I was told I should make fun of this poster, but honestly I’m just impressed Quentin Tarantino was able to make a film that is set simultaneously in 1969 and in my 2019 Tinder algorithm. Please, someone pay for my therapy.

I will never forget the time Tig Notaro came out for an interview on a late-night talk show (recently, in the last year or so), and someone previously in the show had made a reference to the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. Before even starting the interview, Tig pointed out how intelligent, driven, and exceptional a young

I love how society turned from “this is wrong” to “Olivia and Fitz on Scandal are couple goals!” It’s the goddamned same thing

This man is my hero. This woman is my hero. I am so fucking happy she is taking control of her narrative. She deserves this time in the light and its just a real shame it took so long for us all collectively to get our heads out of our asses so she could.

I have a lot of respect for her after watching that interview, and it’s clear John Oliver did too. Clinton was laughed at, but a lot of it was lol, men will be men. Lewinski was absolutely eviscerated in the press and on tv - I can see how someone could easily be driven to suicide by the sheer relentlessness of it

Not only in a position of power, man infamous for his charisma and womanizing. It would be very hard for most people, especially young and inexperienced ones, to put up resistance.

oh, come on. it was a consensual relationship. she was very much into him. it was not sexual abuse.

I was a college student in DC at the time of the “scandal.” I’m a year younger than her. I would probably have been unable to resist Clinton. I don’t know that I would have survived the nightmare. I’m pretty sure I would not be where she is in life 20+ years later. I really admire who she’s become as an adult, and

Still hoping it starts “Noted philanthropist and one-time special U.N. envoy . . .

And that’s the problem. She tried to move on and do something different, but she couldn’t because that’s what she was known for. He continued to be very successful on the speaking circuit and still polled well with women. He got to have a life. She didn't.

She has far more grace than I could ever imagine having in her situation. I imagine the bullshit will more or less persist until her eventual obituary, which of course will reference Clinton.

I can’t wait to watch this tonight (I watch most HBO a day late at best). That said: