
I tried to comment on this part but the original article has either been taken down or is no longer accepting comments. This was not a “momentary” lapse in judgement. No one appeared in a dark alley in front of Felicity Huffman and opened their trench coat to reveal completed SAT tests...this was a sustained,

“Because I, too, have a mediocre child who would’ve never gained her level of success but for nepotism and privilege!”

I would just call them “HuffMace”

I have no idea whether Macy had knowledge of these exploits, but I fear my favourite celebrity portmanteau, Filliam H. Muffman, may be headed for Splitsville.

One thing I’m really interested in (assuming we all last that long) is what do these “influencers” look like in 5 or 10 years? I already can’t believe that people give a shit what type of makeup Aunt Becky’s teenage daughter wears, but one she ages out of the slightly older sister demo, who is going to listen to her?

i have a trick: on desktop, if you hover over the link with your cursor, the url will appear in the lower left. usually these are v descriptive so you can see who/what the subject line is and decide if you want to click through.

As a diamond PhD, I estimate that ring to be worth between 2 and 5 million laffs.

Totally feasible.

Well why the hell was the song being sung in a church?!  Now people will think there's a connection between organized religion and sexual abuse!!

It makes me so angry that workplaces are full of slightly younger people propping up the tech averse [and being generationally robbed of things like tenure and retirement plans by these same people] while at the same time having to heed workplace policies that bludgeon how unfair and frowned upon ‘ageism’ toward these

Famous people stop evolving at the same time they get famous so I wouldn’t be surprised if Bezos didn’t know how to properly use email.

Now everytime i see the amazon swipe i think of jeff and his dick. I laugh a little and gag a little.

I can actually see Jeff Bezos believing that the Wall Street Journal is basically his receptionist.

But do NOT, under any circumstances, cancel your membership in America’s premier luxury resort destination, Mar-a-Lago. Dumpster dive if you must, but make sure your dues are paid in full, preferably in cash. Rubles accepted, and at an exceptionally favorable exchange rate. 

It’s all a matter of budgeting. Like, do you really need a chef 7 days a week? Give them weekends off and, right there, instant savings.

This is a waste of a billion dollars to subsidize thugs and low lifes! They made their bad decisions now they can deal with it!

Deregulating childcare seems like a great idea. It worked for the banks, national parks, and Big Coal, why not for children, which are a renewable resource?

I think a billion could work. You only really need to pay for child care for the first year, which could consist of large screen TVs and Roomba diaper changer feeding robots. After that, from 1-3, put the kid in a hamster ball hooked to generators and let them produce power and get paid for it. From 3 until

Where are the conservatives to call this a waste of a billion dollars to subsidize irresponsibility?