
Service ferrets trained to climb up pant legs. Nobody can sexually assault another person while a ferret scurries around their jumble-giblets.

Service dogs just might be the answer to dating in the Metoo# era.

It worked for me when I was a young teen but that was also 15-20 years ago. 

My gray hair comes in at my temples and makes me look like a tired Paulie Walnuts.

Your Gossip Girl reboot is not going to happen any time soon.

That’s awesome. We need to do this more in the U.S.

Do you think Sia will give me partial credit for the 8 pizzas I dropped off at the local homeless shelter last night? We had a lot of bad orders last night, and I hate to throw away good food, so it wasn’t purely charitable.

My high school Spanish teacher still posts really sweet and encouraging things on my FB page.  It’s really lovely.

How awesome is it to see that her history teacher made a big difference to a student’s life and is still doing it. Yea history teachers! ( mine inspired me to get an M.A in history by the way).

As a History teacher, I’m kinda loving this.

At the end of the final episode of W&G, Jack and Karen sing Unforgettable altogether. It’s very sweet and very real. And they are both slightly teary eyed as they bump bellies after it’s over.. It's wonderful and a perfect example of why they were the best part of the show. 

I like the Beyonce+Jay promo for eating a plant based menu. Though I’m not there yet, I’m trying. This is good and I’m all for their mission on getting out the word on how we need to change our diet to decrease the reliance on animal products.

Dude had a voice like butter, smooth and rich.

That’s funny but that scene was a total cop out. they set up this entire system of distractions to help her give birth quietly then didn’t go all-in on the birth itself. It’s a horror movie. that scene should have been graphic and gross. 

You know Stephen Baldwin is shaking down his son-in-law for cash.

I’m excited about this.  The Mars part, I mean.

We'll break Kinja's character limit if we try to type out the odds that they'll last 14 years

Wow that guest list - Chris Brown. How illustrious.