Pizza Rat tattoo, Justin or GTFO
Pizza Rat tattoo, Justin or GTFO
So its a picture of a rat, because my dog used to kill rats in Washington Square Park. It was horrible. I mean, they were doing a service to New York.
The moment, THE MOMENT, Harry started making fun of his brother for going bald I thought to myself, “Dude, you just cursed yourself. You are going to go bald too.”
is it bad that I was more excited to see what kind of day-glo suit the Queen was going to wear than to see the bride’s dress?
It would be nice to know one has next months rent covered, but yeah...
Not having to load a dishwasher or go grocery shopping ever again is my guess.
Sean Mendes is not the director married to Kate Winslet, I know that much.
My cousin has six- the oldest is 16. When I told my great-aunt about the fourth, her elderly neck whipped around and asked, “Has she figured out where they come from?”
Four kids under five is a surefire way to never see your friends. But celebrities ... they are not like us. Congratulations to the Baldwins and to the nannies whose job security just went through the roof.
The thought of having 4 kids in 5 years makes my vagina want to seal up, but you do you Hilaria.
Haven’t slept in two nights and was puzzled by Selena’s hookup with the married Canadian PM.
Seems like higher kid counts are making a comeback. A few of my friends have 4-5 kids and another just had her 6th. Meanwhile, I’ve got a pro/con list going about getting another puppy, bringing my fur baby count to 2 if the pro column wins out.
“I have always cared for my father..” Does anyone else think that’s an odd thing to say?
I mean, my parents were healthy eaters who exercised regularly and nothing offends me more than running and working out, so modeling that good behavior doesn’t necessarily mean your kid’s going to be a natural little sports person.
As someone who divorced, not having to have a weekly or monthly interaction regarding the very stressful topic of money would be worth the one time payout...
Maybe she thinks she won’t have the money to give her in the future. Law suits and poor job prospects?
Spousal support often ends when you re-marry. Does Annette Roque have someone in the wings? Or does she just want to be done with him completely & forever?
[looks around]
dirt bag?