How about I just don't do anything, since like just about everyone else, I don't have any problems with my iPhone 4?
How about I just don't do anything, since like just about everyone else, I don't have any problems with my iPhone 4?
But, I don't have an iPhone 4 reception problem. I can't get the signal to drop no matter what way I squeeze it.
I see this photo all of the time; can someone tell me what the hell he was originally doing?
@cowboybebopfan: you came to that conclusion, how exactly? This article ends by saying the upgrade to the iPhone 4 is worth it for the noise cancelation alone.
Apple really needs to offer a $99 replacement for the front and/or back glass, because forcing people to pony up $700 for a whole new phone when the rest of it is perfectly fine is absurd.
With my 3G, it was actually the 3.0 update this time last year that crippled it. I've tried multiple restores over the past year to try and regain the original performance, but to no avail. While 4.0 definitely didn't make it any faster, my iPhone 3G already ran like a one-legged dog.
If can't fullfill my order until July 14th, why should ANY store have unclaimed stock of iPhone 4's before actual orders are fulfilled?
Just over two hours. I had already upgraded to iTunes 9.2 and done a backup of my phone, but iTunes saw fit to do another backup, then erase my phone entirely and restore all of my media. If that wasn't bad enough, it also went through the process of resizing all 4776 of my photos for iPhone.
@LordDisco: lol. Michael Bay hired Frank Welker as Soundwave AND Devastator for the last film. Check the credits. How is it Michael Bay's fault that Activision didn't hire Frank for any role in this G1-based game?
Does it still have the SD graphics of a Nintendo Gamecube?