
Gizmodo, you can continuously claim the new iPad is a disappointment (as if it were fact, not opinion) but that still doesn't make it true. The ONE feature the new iPad HAD to have was the Retina Display, or else it WOULD have been a disapointment. And because the 9.7" retina display is a piece of tech that literally

Serious question, but does no one in the world know how to trim a clip before uploading it to YouTube? This video is over a minute long, but the only interesting part is from 15 seconds to 35 seconds. I swear 99% of the videos on YouTube are like this.

Is this not merely the intro to Fringe in poster form?

Wait, now you'll charge me extra for games as well as blu-rays? And I STILL won't even be able to start the "long wait" for new releases until 28 days after they've been released? Oh, come back to me, Netflix!

"they argue the idea for the iPad existed back in 1968, when Stanley Kubrick dreamed up his sci fi classic."

I don't want to be the one to explain to our children that while our grandparents captured history in glorious film, we opted to do so using our fucking cellphone cameras and the Hipstimatic app.

You either need a.) a bigger screen, b.) to sit closer to your screen, c.) glasses, or d.) all of the above.

I second that.

Waste soda and beer? I didn't realize either went to waste, especially the latter.

@mathemology: Holy crap, someone with some common sense.

@hfutrell: There's a known bug that causes iPhone alarms not to go off on time after daylight savings time. My alarm didn't go off this morning. How is that not scientific? I've never slept through an alarm in my life.

My alarm did not go off this morning. I even removed the alarms and re-added them last night, as I was under the impression that would avoid the bug, but it did not. Good job, Apple!

Blockbuster's discs by mail service is vastly superior; no 28-day

@dtptampa: That's one of the nerdiest things I've ever heard, and symbolizes all that is wrong with Android.

@alienshards: The south doesn't believe in taxes, but aren't the states which receive the most federal assistance all southern states?

Looks cumbersome and fragile. The top half alone appears twice as thick as an iPad.

@JGab: Movies are shot in different aspect ratios, and have been for decades. This tv is for those who watch a lot of movies, as 2.35:1 is the most popular aspect ratio for film, followed by 16:9. Your 4:3 aspect TV is the wrong aspect ratio for everything these days.

Well, it's official. My fucking phone has better graphics than the Nintendo Wii.

Fat chance. Most everyone already has Netflix streaming via a game console, blu-ray player or even their television itself.