
But in order to kick Hoff-Sommers, Roiphe, Paglia, etc out, you do have to define feminism as consisting of more than just a vague belief in equality between men and women.

Has it ever occured to anybody that the reason men don't try very hard at dating is because the effort isn't worth the rejection? We hear endlessly about how guys aren't trying, but no one is trying to understand why that it. Could it be that men don't want to invest in women who aren't interested? I'm just saying,

Maybe they can do a split cover, Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus. Both will be naked.


I worked at an office with very well-educated, alpha females who I discovered were trolling dating sites like this to brazenly cheat on their husbands. I am not a prude by any standard, so I had lots of questions. One woman had a very rich husband, lived in Beverly Hills and just oozed money. She said her husband is

While generalizing about a group of people-in this case American women-is not kind I'm failing to find the snark. He tried another avenue of dating and it seems both parties have satisfied whatever reasons brought them to one another to begin with.

I'm actually fine with snark as long as there's actual understanding behind it. My problem with the Jezebel pieces is they seem to come from this: "I don't agree with this... I'm not sure why... it'd make me uncomfortable if true... is it true? who cares, let's make fun of it!"

Jezebel needs a science writer.

It's just as bad as when someone does it to them, and you'd think (hope) they wouldn't be a fan of double standards, eh?

I once had to teach with an Albanian girl named Blerta. She was no refugee, and managed to be absolutely insufferable. She was thin and pretty by American standards but we were in Russia and she was a dime a dozen there...that was the first thing that set her off. And, of course, she couldn't teach for squat. So I'm

I know it's late and everyone's asleep and nobody's typing anymore but I just had my first date in 2 years and it was AWESOME and then my first kiss in five years and it was AWESOME TOO! None of this makes sense and its not typed well because I'm excited and too wired to sleep and we're seeing each other again

Okay, why are we talking about rom-coms like they are 'for women'? They are just a genre. We need to start talking about movie genres and the like without getting gender involved. Sorry that irritates me. 'Irritates' is not nearly a strong enough word. We complain about pens for her and then gender our own stuff

This guy contacted me on okcupid last year and when I didn't respond, he emailed me again (persistent little fucker) and demanded to know why. This is his exact message -

Hmmm, I think I've said this type of thing in the past, but I'll risk repeating myself: people like this strike me as having pretty deep rooted mental health issues. The fact that they manifest as extreme forms of what we would otherwise consider normal (albeit negative) behaviour, is what maybe prevents us from

No, no, no. The study doesn't claim that men would prefer to see their partners fail, or anything like that. And would you not have some doubts about someone whose self-esteem rises when his partner begins flailing in life? I'm sure you'd have something snarky to say about that, too.

what i know about you is that you are dismissive about people's choices in their religious beliefs.that's pretty much all i need to know...

Her prior sexual history isn't at issue here, from my (admittedly limited) understanding. Rather, what is at issue is the fact that she had sex with a man the day after she claims he raped her, which is relevant to the issue of consent. If she had consensual sex with him on Sunday, it doesn't stand to reason that

so, again if true, this practice is messed up to say the least. BUT what's interesting is that it can also be read as a means of engaging in a form of sexual liberation. i know that sounds like a stretch, but think about it: if you are not supposed to have sex until you get married and you decide to go abroad to have

This is not a trial. This is an article 32 hearing, somewhat similar to a grand jury proceeding in the civilian system. This is a preliminary hearing - it does not determine the ultimate guilt or innocence of a defendant. In a military trial (court martial), defense attorneys are governed by the same rules of

dan savage had an entire column about this book a few weeks ago. check it!