spana, it's not that simple. That's what always annoyed me about the claim (fortunately, researchers have at least begun to challenge it) that rape is about power too, not sex. Like rape, some sexual harassment is about power, some is about sex, some is about a hundred other possible things. Reducing it all to

No, my point was broader and simply responding to "Who has that kind of time every day." Daily BJs would not be important enough to me, and presumably my hypothetical wife, to dedicate 20 minutes a day. Some other things might be. I am also naturally skeptical of the "no time no time" excuse when it comes to sexual

Honestly, I would refrain from doing it. It sucks if he's cheating on her, but you don't know for sure (maybe they have an open relationship, maybe he did it because he was curious, maybe he did it then chickened out), and I think in the long run there's more risk of harm than good.

How so?

You owe your partner fidelity, no matter how "strong" you think you are. There are infinite ways to love someone, and if you have a relationship where you both accept that you can seek sexual and emotional connections elsewhere, then you can still be faithful if you're both open with it. But anyone who thinks they

Unfortunately they frequently go hand-in-hand.

Because they're narcissists who make themselves the center of the universe, and everyone else has value only to the extent they benefit the narcissist.

Not that I support it every day, I'm probably the only guy on the planet who doesn't really enjoy them that much, but if you can't free up 20 minutes a day for something you think is important, you are living life wrong.

And if your husband at some point becomes the dominant partner, would you accept his cheating on you?

It would be interesting to get his views on it. It could mean he doesn't care. The way she phrased it, however, makes me think there's a decent chance he does care, hates it, but is terrified of losing her/divorce.

According to the story you linked the judge says it goes to credibility about prior sworn testimony. I don't know enough about the case to judge its relevance to that fact, but just because the subject matter is abortion doesn't make something automatically not usable to impeach. If I testify that I was in Albany at

I honestly don't see what you're seeing re boys.

And despite this you have the incredibly obnoxious boomer contingent whining about how kids don't have to do work in school, everybody gets As, etc.

She is super cute. To totally objectivy/patriarchilize her.

Probably not; I am fairly sure the US won't/can't extradite if it would involve a violation of the accused right's under the Constitution, and this is double jeopardy.

Honestly I would never do what he's doing — I would personally have a moral and practical issue with it — but the way some of the commenters here have shoehorned this story into "terrible-terrible-man-child-looking-for-woman-he-can-oppress" is kind of simplistic. I don't know this guy's experience; maybe every woman

I will note that there are a small but not negligible number of women who have the same attitudes towards American men and look overseas because "European/Latin/Whatever men are just so much better/hotter/more romantic." They just don't have a website that caters to that belief.

I don't think people realize just how bad Rand was. Not just in terms of plot or story or shoehorning philosophy in, just her total incompetence in just basic writing skills is astounding. She violates every freshman composition class rule, and she comes off as so tone-deaf and strident that it makes swallowing her

Because if we couldn't call her a philosopher we'd have to call her a novelist. And her writing skills are even worse than her philosophy ones.

No prob, I hope I didn't scare you by revealing it took until my 30's to break past that; it doesn't take most people that long, I just take a long time to learn lessons :) You are almost certainly not a sociopath as sociopaths tend to have an easy time interacting with people and getting ahead, and they definitely