
Law professors be weird.

It's a public university, so the buildings belong to the public; just because the government delegates certain management choices to (presumably elected) students doesn't magically make what they do not censorship.

Alternately, why would a professional actress claim not to be able to play such a simple part?

Or she could do all those things except the part where she tries so hard to convince the rest of us of how awesome she is?

You might be sending the wrong signals there.

"St. Marks Bookshop is in NYU territory and so it's no surprise it stocks a bevvy of scholarly titles in Cultural Theory."

Why does someone who has had everything so easy in her life still try so hard? It's really disquieting how focused she is on creating an image, but I honestly don't even know who her target audience is.

Ahhhh, ok, that makes more sense!

TWO women in a 20-year period? The cad!

Aisha Tyler's most glaring flaw is that she is married and thus I cannot marry her.

I think the Magdalene sisters who were responsible for the abuse (along with the priests, lay workers, and government accomplices) should be thrown in jail. Ditto for those in the church hierarchy, up to and including cardinals and archbishops, for the child abuse. There is plenty to criticize without making new

They definitely exist, I just think there is plenty to criticize without making new stuff up.

First, before you are nastily condescending you might want to make sure you are correct. None of your quotes are from the Old Testament, they're all from the New Testament.

Any sources less than 1600 years old? It is very, very easy to find a lot of objectionable material in the Bible, including plenty of reprehensible misogyny. It is easy to find misogyny in the modern Church, including in its official positions. That is not what we are talking about, however. We are talking about

Yes, I have, and in neither the Church, the Bible, or the official positions taken by the Catholic Church which they publicly distribute have I EVER seen "women should not go to college."

"All" the prosecuting? Really? ALL of it?

Oh, well generally people comment on the story that was posted.

Well I have a couple of degrees, and in this one single matter he is perfectly correct; the value of a college degree from an economic standpoint is vastly inflated and it's entirely due to government subsidization through school loans. The rest of what he says is crazy talk, of course.

Why are you blaming the institution of the Catholic Church for what is a privately-run website? Considering the number of Catholic-run colleges and universities that actively recruit and enroll women, I think it's pretty safe to say this is not their position.

I think you're going to need to list some examples because I certainly haven't noticed black women "routinely" paired up with white men.