
So why is Braniac Doc Oc now?

seriously people need to get a grip. The movie really wasnt that bad. Not sure what people wanted from that movie

Looks like the gun solved that problem. He was outnumbered and in danger of being seriously hurt and her brandishing the firearm de escalated the situation quickly.

That seemed to be a perfect case study on the benefit of a brake check. That guy didn’t hit anyone and crashed his own car by being basically 2 feet away from the driver in front of him. I would just change lanes as soon as it was safe but I have been known to break check in my day. If the driver in the rear was

In all seriousness. Bravo on the genetic lottery my friend. If your IQ is half the size of that impressive thing you will do okay in life :)

We are also just one justice away from an end to abortion, gay marriage, voting rights for poor and black citizens, EPA regulations, complete dissolution of the vague line that keeps corporations from outright buying politicians.

I thought this guy was a self described genius? I love how people who are famous and good at music or acting think they are good at everything. You really don’t see a lot of people who are great at their careers branching out to things they know nothing about. How often do you see dentists start rap careers or

actually I think egypt still has flogging as a penalty.

Hey, I am going to go climb on that ancient object that can’t be repaired or replaced so I can feed my ego... asshole

knowing exactly how to do something since you made it isn’t the same as walking in blind to figure out someone else’s madness. Thats like saying every crime being solved isn’t a big deal because the criminal knows what he did.

Constant abandonment of the original idea of Doom. Why can’t anyone just keep the original victor Von Doom in tact and work him into a story. So irritating.