thank you.... Read his comment over a few times just dumbfounded. Couldn't think of a reply other than 'you're an idiot'. But that's just troll food.
thank you.... Read his comment over a few times just dumbfounded. Couldn't think of a reply other than 'you're an idiot'. But that's just troll food.
Illegal immigration in Semi-buoyant cars? Huh? As opposed to fully or non buoyant cars? This is a thing?
You know, I have to agree with you here. Harley should stand behind it ONCE and warn the guy that they won't again due to the added drag on the bike. It's not like the man is not a walking advertisement for Harley anyway. I have seen quite a few "Patriot riders" flying the colors during a funeral procession as well.…
Oh, and worn clutch discs are not 'major damage' schoolboy.
'Way too much testosterone, not enough brainpower to go around.'
Are you serious right now? The guy did something to his bike that causes MAJOR DAMAGE over time. Yeah, smart business model. "No worries, sir! You fall under our first time mistake policy! It's allllllll free because you feel like it's not fair!" Now let's just set aside for a moment that this grade A, world…
Every manufacturer has a 'special policy' account for exactly this situation.
what. You don't want to ride around in a pink m&m?
I keep seeing the "power brakes lost" issue. No. You. Do. Not. You have 2-3 power assisted stops in a vehicle that has had it's engine shut off. The Delta platform cars use vacuum assisted brake boosters. In my eyes, it's as much driver error as it is GM's faulty switches. And honestly, pushing the shifter to neutral…
Hint: it's the guy driving on rims.
Also a separate article about how maybe Toyota's quality will now suffer because executives from the Japan HQ will have to fly 4ish hours longer to get to Texas compared to California, and how immigrants who have work visas in CA might not be able to get them in TX, and or how citizens in the new HQ's area might get…
Obviously, this was all masterminded to get some random nobody on the internet to watch. For shame, Mr. Clarkson.
Ban words. Ban books. Ban hand gestures. This is what happens when you let media think for you. Manufactured outrage by people who never cared or watched TG. If you have a problem with the sounds someone makes with their mouth then don't buy their tshirt. If you rally for them to loose their job, business, and…
No offense, but you're showing the same kind of prejudice against Texas and the Metroplex as are those people who are prejudiced against LGBTs. This comes from a lack of knowledge, something you can easily remedy.
Yeah I guess it is pretty stupid to ask why you'd bother writing this non-story. It's a slow news day at Jalopnik so now we're seeing some shitty fringe story that Hamilton Nolan swept off his shoes that MAYBE has a slight element of automotive news about it. Hard-hitting shit right here. Next on Jalopnik "Should new…
Watch out, Your ignorance is showing. I've lived in 8 of the 10 largest cities, and I've lived in Plano. I would move back. Easy living. Good people. Lots of opportunity. I raced mountain bikes for years all over the country, and Dallas had one of the most active mtb communities, of all places. I live in a city now,…
What the heck has this got to do with cars? Why don't you also bring up the topic of what they'll face in terms of fashion and food options? While I'm at it I might as well vent. You mention tolerance like its something to be proud of. Have you used that in a sentence regarding a specific person as in 'I tolerate that…
Gaaaaawwwwwkkkkkeerrrr Media. ;)
@Rock517: Do you know what a "halo" vehicle is? By your logic, no car company would ever enter motor-sport either, because there wasn't a direct profit to be made.