it’s not evil unless someone recognizes it as such.
it’s not evil unless someone recognizes it as such.
i mean it does represent bri’ish society...
it’s because anarchism is a petit bougie ideology that hasn’t been revolutionary since 1917 for obvious reasons (peasantry ceased to be a revolutionary class with the rise of the proletariat and the ussr) today, it’s corpse is animated by teenage suburbanites and obvious spooks so this isn’t surprising and actually…
it’s like they’ve never played a jrpg.
efficiency under capitalism means how much profit can one extract. but under a public company, an additional dynamic is introduced: not only does proit need to be extracted but it has to go to a certain class of people: the shareholder class. the contradiction plays out every time you see stock buy backs done at the…
you can say they interfered positively, definitely not suppressed.
communism is objectively op irl.
corps have board of directors??? not only that shareholders (and a few of them at that!) literally dictate the direction of a company.
Mondragon collective
please don’t talk out of your ass. a social democracy is still capitalism and capitalist still exists. a “socialist utopia” isn’t capitalism and doesn’t have capitalists. don’t need to read a ton of theory to know that your quote is ignorant bull.
legitimately hilarious. the only people that do “identity politics” in the way that right wingers understand it, are right wingers themselves. that’s why they always have tokens running around spouting right wing bullshit. hell, the party they love is pretty explicitly a white nationalist party, lol.
gee, i wonder who she’s married to.
surface level thinking, lol.
lol, no it’s not. it’s not even *fifty percent* of people who actually vote.
i like the idea of divergent evolution don’t think that diglett should be the first pokemon to start the trend.
this basically a gaming tablet.
the green new deal doesn’t go far enought, we need a communist revolution.
i see you’re a fellow communist revolutionary.
every year we track this it gets more and more absurd.
keep everyone in the grays forever!